english deutsch
AIDA - International Association for the Developme, AIDA Sweden, Apnea Magazine, Apnea Planet, BlueWater Freedivers Publishing, Breath-Hold Diving Bibliography, British Freediving Association, Canadian Association of Freediving and Apnea, CMAS - Confederation Mondiale des Activities Subaq, Deeper Blue
Aberdeen University Underwater Hockey Club, Argentinian Underwater Hockey Association, Australian Underwater Federation, Bristol Octopush (Underwater Hockey) Club, British Octopush Association, Bullrouts Underwater Hockey - Palm Beach, Australi, Caversham Octopush Club UK, Charleston Blockade Runners Underwater Hockey, Chesham Octopush Club, Chicago Underwater Hockey
Beachfront Snorkeling, Bog Snorkelling, Dorking Snorkelling Club, ION Snorkeling, Snorkel Maui, Snorkeling World, Snorkelling with the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC), The Ruislip Snorkelling Club