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1914 Old Town Canoe Company, Livery Model
Preparations to repair a wood canvas canoe.
A Good Paddle
Article about "Uncomplicating Paddle Design, Sizing and Selection" written by Caleb Davis.
Baker Brothers Boats Seakayak
Amateur boatbuilder's working journals with pictures.
Building a Redwood Canoe - Strippers Guide
Details photographs, instructions, tips and troubleshooting for constructing a redwood canoe. Also includes related links.
Building the Bluefoot Boobie
A backyard adventure in building a cedar strip kayak. Includes building summary, tips, and photos.
Building the Greenland Kayak
An overview of the building process, using traditional materials. Includes tips about building and links to kits, plans, and books.
Chris' Canoe Project: Building a Freedom 17 C
Chronicles the construction of a cedar-strip canoe with detailed comments and pictures. Includes boatbuilding links.
Dave's Kayak Building
Details of building a Chesapeake LT17, a 17 foot sea kayak.
Don's Kayak Building
Details of personally building a Mill Creek 15 kayak.
Doug's Boat Page
All about building kayaks and native boat technology. Includes an introduction to boatbuilding, freeware and shareware boatbuilding software, free boat plans, pictures, and related resources.
Ferwerda Wood and Canvas Canoes
Includes photos and build records of several canoes, particularly the Hiawatha model built on an original Thompson Brothers form. Also features weight comparison for wood and canvas construction versus modern materials, tips for building a seat with a mast ring, and photos of a canoe rigged up for sailing.
Graham Skelly's Homepage
Contains links to canoe building and canoeing of wilderness rivers in Canada and the United States.
Grant's Stitch and Glue Canoe
How to build an ultra light stitch and glue plywood canoe that really looks like a canoe.
How to Build a Waveski
Step by step guide with pictures on how to build and fix a waveski.
John Michne's Boat Building Stuff
Details of the construction of the Wee Lassie II. Includes photos with explanations of progress through the phases and problems. Each section includes a discussion about what was learned and tips.
Kayak Building WebRing
Connects sites related to building wooden kayaks.
Kayak Building Workshop
Focuses on building sea kayak using traditional Inuit methods in Nunavut, Canada.
Ken's Temporary Kayak Pages
Information on how building Euro and Greenland paddles, wood strip kayak construction, glassing, and extensive photographs.
Kent's Kayaks
Provides information on kayak building, pictures of design ideas, resources for materials, and some general information on paddling.
La Mina
Steps and photos of building a canoe with classic shapes, but using modern, readily available, and cheap materials.
My Rushton Canoe
Aussie-built replica of Rushton's Ugo and other hand-built wooden canoes.
PakYak Prototype
Online plans, pictures, and discussion of Jim Heter's custom-designed folding kayak.
Quick-N-Dirty Oars
Instructions for making oars by David Goodchild.
Raven Studios
Offers wood-strip watercraft, custom wooden canoe and kayak building. The process, photographs, profile, and contacts.
Real Wooden Boats
Provides tips on building a cedar strip canoe, photos of construction of a Cosine Wherry, and links to other boat building sites.
Ross Leidy's Kayak Building
Personal summaries of building kayaks, canoes, paddles, and cradles. Includes a how-to section with in-depth discussions of a few building and outfitting techniques, including deck fittings, a fiberglass seat and the use of underdeck bungees to secure hatch covers.
Scubascapie's Kayak Project
Provides photos and description of building a wooden kayak. Also includes related links.
Sea Spirit Kayaks
A summary of kayak building experiences: North Bay I, North Bay II, Sea Spirit I, and Sea Spirit II.
Simple Oars
Free oar plans with photos.
Surfing Outrigger Canoe Project
Summary of building an 18 foot surf canoe. Includes project log, materials list, and summary of the construction steps.
The Canoe Paddle Page
Information on designing and creating wooden canoe paddles. Also offers a photo gallery of paddles and relevant books and articles.
The North Woods Paddle
Article written by Rick Waters and supported by the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association. Describes making a traditional wood paddle.
Traditional Kayaks and Umiaks
Features photographs of a diverse collection of Inuit and Aleut kayak replicas that Harvey Golden has built, and links to related sites
Wooden Canoe Heritage Association
Non-profit group devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wood, wood-canvas, cedar strip and birchbark canoes, and to disseminating information about canoeing heritage in North America. Links to builders, suppliers, graphics and related websites.