College Fight Songs
Offers MP3 format downloads of fight songs for over 100 major U.S. universities. Sorted by conference.
College Fight Songs
A directory of all the college fightsongs on the web, for listening and purchase.
College Fight Songs on the WWW
List of links organized by athletic conference.
College Football Fight Songs
Offers a collection of fight songs from various colleges and universities in WAV format and also has related links.
Dave Greenhut's College Football Fight Songs
A collection of lyrics to over 50 US university football fight songs.
Lyrics to College Fight Songs
An extensive compilation of lyrics for American and Canadian university fight songs, sorted alphabetically by school.
MY HOUSE Page for OF Music
Rousing Sports Rock song for home games, played by many colleges and pro teams. [Real Audio, Windows Media, and Flash Movie files]
NetHead University College Fight Songs
Sound files in various formats for major American universities.
The Cardinal's NFL Fight Songs
Lyrics for AFC and NFC team fight songs, with selected sound files available in several formats.