American Armsport Association
History, rules, events, results, promotors, affiliates, message board, chat room.
Arm World Promotions
Armwrestling tournament listings and results. There are also links and tips.
Arm Wrestling World Wide
Official site of Allen Fisher, 2004 World Champion. Includes appearance schedule, events, biography, rules, and tips. Also includes a directory of related links including shopping, chat, photos, tables, and his wife, Carolyn, 4 time World Arm Wrestling Champion.
Photos, videos, t-shirts, links and tournament information. Home of the Houston Armsport Team.
Belgium Armwrestling
History, tournaments, rules, events, results, promoters, and pictures.
Canadian Armwrestling Federation
Tournaments, results, profiles, message board, and CAWF-specific information.
Greek Armwrestling
Club information, event schedule, photos, member list, links.
Green Mountain Armsports
Results, pictures, supplies, contacts in Vermont and New England.
Heartland Armwrestling
Tournaments, results, training sessions, profiles, points, and clothing.
Illinois Armwrestling
Tournaments, results, photos.
International Armwrestling Federation
Includes a list of links to events and organizations, a message board, and a chat room.
Jeremy`s Armwrestling Page
A few pictures and some results.
Manitoba Armwrestling
Tournaments, results, photos, merchandise.
Mark Olson's Site
Personal page a power sports trainer with experience in armwrestling and power lifting.
Message Board - CAWF
Chat for members of the Canadian Armwrestling Federation.
Message Board - Pinnacle Armwrestling
Chat, rankings, how to armwrestle, and armwrestling issues.
Netherlands Armwrestling
Part English and part Dutch, general armwrestling site that is infrequently updated.
North American Armsports Federation
Out-of-date webpage.
Nova Scotia Armwrestling
Results, tournaments, training sessions, rules.
Pinnacle Armwrestling
How to armwrestle, exercises, results and photos, rankings, links, directory, issues, discussions.
PowerHouse Armwrestling
Includes links, pictures, and tournament information.
Saskatchewan Armwrestling
Tournaments, results, and rules.
Steve Inzalaco's Armwrestling
Pictures, results, and rules.
Sydney University Armwrestling
One out-of-date page listing executive members.
United States ArmSports
News, history, tournaments, results, photos, rules.
World Armsport Federation
Affiliated with the American Armsport Association.
World Armwrestling Federation
Dedicated to overseeing armwrestling internationally and to help make it an Olympic event.
World Championship Armwrestling
Reality Sports Entertainment presents WCA, to establish the sport of armwrestling as a professional sport.