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American Soccer History Archives (ASHA), El Bombín: Early British Football Coaches Around T, English Football, Football Club History Database (FCHD), Futbol Historia, History of Soccer Shoes, The History of Football
Soccer Literature
Football Research Unit at Birkbeck College, Football Research Unit, University of Liverpool
Courses, Football Hooliganism in Europe, Football Unites, Racism Divides, Research into Football Violence, Soldiers, Sashes and Shamrocks: Football and Socia
About Soccer
Offers information about the sport, how to play, history, the laws, equipment, and women soccer.
David Hand Online
The site provides resources for researchers in the field of European football studies with particular reference to France, including news, headlines and stories updated daily.
Dedication - Beautiful Game
A page dedicated to one of the brothers, Paul Vidovich 1967-2002.
A unique site looking at the meaning and history of football (soccer) club crests (logos) from around the world, and in particular, the UK.
Preventing Tragedy in the Soccer Stadium
Article about how to prevent catastrophes on stadiums.
Soccer Doctor
Personal homepage of a football history scientist in the US. This site contains some of his papers, and good related links.
Soccer Science - Soccer coach information
Articles about biomechanical considerations to different soccer skills.
Soccer Study
A questionnaire for a research project in England.
Soccer Sucks
A complete and thorough expose of soccer and its fans.
The Political Economy of Football
Articles and statistics about the environment, culture and finances of football.
Tips on Soccer
The history of the sport, FIFA, UEFA, facts, laws, glossary, and forums.