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Action Pursuit Games
Monthly paintball magazine with articles, product reviews, news, and commentary on paintball's important issues.
Crossfire Paintball Digest
A monthly paintball magazine with reviews on paintballs, markers, barrels, gear, fields, and tournaments.
Force of Nature
Offers tournament and scenario coverage with news, videos, photos, and forums.
Paint Online
E-zine devoted to the sport of paintball around the world.
Paintball Games International Magazine
New products, tactics, and techniques from beginner to pro.
Paintball Previews
Excerpts from "The Complete Guide to Paintball" as well as a glossary, discussion forum, and free screensaver.
Paintball Sports International
News, NPPL rules, field information, stories and a calendar of events.
Consumer rating and review service company for the paintball industry.
Serenity Dragon Internet TV Show
Free, on demand streaming media show about the paintball industry, equipment, strategy, and tournaments. Shows from 1999 and 2000 are available.
The Monthly Paintball Newsletter
A free newsletter distributed via e-mail. Includes articles, reviews, news, tournament coverage, tips, Q&A, interviews, editorials, and links.
The Splatter Times
Resource for paintballers of all levels, with articles, tips and tricks, advice, news, tournaments, physics experiments, reviews, and strategies.
The Whiteboard, by Doc Nickel
Alaskan machinist and airsmith publishes self-inspired webcomic, list of characters, FAQ, and sketchbook.