Ajax Budokan Judo Club
Located in Ajax Ontario with news items, members listing, membership details and training schedule.
Amherst Kodokan Judo Academy
Includes news, links and school information.
Arnprior Judo Club
History of club and style, training times, news, terminology, links and related information. [Arnprior, Ontario]
Astra Judo Club
Teaching Judo and Jiu-Jitsu in St. John's, Newfoundland. Features photograph album, dojo rules, instructor profiles, and video collection.
Calgary Judo Society
History, practice times, and mission statement for several judo clubs in Calgary, Alberta.
Kawasaki's Rendokan Academy
(Ontario) Kawasaki's Rendokan was founded in 1958. Offers news, links, articles, and results.
Kokoro Budokai
Judo history, class schedule, affiliations and links. Includes pictures, articles, downloads, belt structure, referees and coaches, forum and chat room.
Moose Jaw Koseikan Judo Club
Club details and class schedules, instructor profiles, articles, events and gallery.
Ottawa Judo Club
Schedule and costs plus a short section on tips and techniques. [Kanata, Ontario.]
Ronin Judo Club
Judo and Jujitsu history, links, club listings for Toronto, class schedule and general information.
Scarborough Dojo
Schedules, maps, club background, a calendar, and contact information. [Scarborough, Ontario.]
The Furukawa Judo and Jujutsu Club
Information on the Olympic sport of Judo, Jujutsu throws, and terminology.
Tora Judo Club
Information on tora judo club and judo links, graphics.