American Judo and Jujitsu Federation
The AJJF promotes DanZan Ryu Jujitsu, a system of self-defense that incorporates physical and mental training within a philosophy of ethical and moral development.
American Jujitsu Institute
Gives information about Kodenkan/Danzan Ryu Jujitsu techniques, history, philosophy, events, and participants.
Danzan Ryu Jujitsu
Teaching Jujitsu classes for adults and children. Lists techniques, pictures, class schedule and links. Based in Orange County.
DanZan Ryu JuJitsu
Provides books, pictures and information on Danzan Ryu Jujitsu and underwater safety and self defense. Located in Hawaii.
Danzan-Ryu Jujutsu
Lists introduction to style and history, Mokuroku (curriculum), people, pictures, dictionary, instructor's notebook, dojos and organizations. Also includes events, forum, discussion board, bookstore, products and links.
Duluth Judo Club
Teaching traditional Danzan Ryu Jujutsu and sport Judo. Lists pictures, instruction profile, links, class schedule and dojo information. Based in Duluth, Minnesota.
Jujitsu-Do Martial Art Center
Teaching Hawaiian Danzan Ryu Jujitsu. Based in Citrus Heights, California. Lists class schedule, instructor profile, history, taught system and general information.
Kodai No Bushido Dojo
Teaching Danzan-Ryu Jujitsu, Kappo, Seifukujitsu and traditional Japanese systems of massage and healing techniques. Member of the American Judo and Jujitsu Federation (AJJF). Lists class schedule, style history, instructor profiles, dojo etiquette and general information. Located in Santa Clara, California.
Kodenkan Jujitsu and Restoration Therapy
Contains details on classes, history of the style, seminars, and other programs available. Has locations in California and Washington, USA.
Medford Judo Academy - Danzan Ryu Jujitsu
Teaching Danzan Ryu Jujitsu and Judo. Lists history, class schedule, pictures, links and general information. Dojo in Phoenix, Oregon.