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Ganshinkan Dojo
Aikido Association of America (AAA) affiliate in Salt Lake City. Practices at the University of Utah. Class schedule, upcoming events, and membership information.
Salt Lake Aikikai
Includes class schedule, instructors' biographies and contact details.
University of Utah Aikido Club
Aikido Association of America (AAA) affiliate in Salt Lake City. Class schedule, training fees, and club constitution.
Utah Aikikai
Aikido Association of Northern California (AANC) affiliate dojo located in Salt Lake City. Aikido instruction for children and adults and Iaido for adults. Class schedule, calendar of events, and tuition rates.
Utah Valley Aikido
Based in Provo and affiliated the California Aikido Association. Classes are offered to adults and children. Includes a class schedule, directions and details of forthcoming events.
Wagokan Aikido
Member of the Wagokai Federation and affilated with the Aiki Kai World Foundation. Teaches Kata No Nai Aikido in West Jordan. Photo gallery, contact information, and upcoming events.