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AllSports: Colorado Avalanche
News, results, schedules, draft and team information, message board, and links.
CBS.SportsLine.com: Colorado Avalanche
News, standings, statistics, and recent games.
CNNSI: Colorado Avalanche
Player statistics, game log, roster, team preview, headlines, scoreboard and message board.
Colorado Avalanche News - Topix.net
News on the Colorado Avalanche continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.
Denver Post Online: Colorado Avalanche
Local newspaper coverage of the Avalanche from the Denver Post.
A humorous site with several parodies, fan test and comics.
ESPN.com: Colorado Avalanche
News, schedule, players and standings.
Fox Sports: Colorado Avalanche
News, team roster/biographies, schedule, statistics, playoff statistics, team report and archives.
iSportsDigest.com: Colorado Avalanche
A directory with links to a large number of Colorado Avalanche sites.
Rocky Mountain News: Colorado Avalanche
News, scores, chat and comment from the local newspaper.
Slam! Hockey: Colorado Avalanche
Statistics, game log, roster, attendance, history, season recap, schedule and story archives.
The Sports Network: Colorado Avalanche
Scoring, training camp roster, team roster, team report, schedule, headlines, attendance report, attendance comparison and game-by-game log.
Topix.net: Colorado Avalanche
News about the Colorado Avalanche, collected from various sources on the web.
Yahoo! Sports: Colorado Avalanche
Includes news, divisional standings, photos, statistics, schedules and rosters.