2002 Can-Am Police Firefighter Games
The 25th anniversary of the canadian-american international police-fire olympic games in Spokane, WA. Official information, contacts and events.
California Police Athletic Federation
Includes rules and results of the California Police and Fire Games and the World Police and Fire Games, information forms, and links.
Can Am 2000 Police and Fire Games
Results and photos of the games held in Milwaukee.
Can Am Police and Fire Games
An Olympic style sporting event for law enforcement officers and fire fighters featuring approximately 45 different sports. Includes general information, history, board of directors, statistics, next games, and links.
Colorado Police and Fire Games 2002
Multiple event games held August 1st-7th 2002 in Colorado Springs. Includes details on events held, location and information, along with the latest news and changes.
International Law Enforcement Games
Information and links about games involving police and fire officers.
International Law Enforcement Games
A brief history.
International Police Winter Games
[Lake Tahoe/Reno, 2001] Sports and results, lodging and rentals, information about IPWG, photo gallery, rules, and links.
International Police Winter Games
A brief introduction.
Southeastern Police and Fire Championships
Held in Birmingham, Alabama on the first full week of June each year.
World Police and Fire Games
A brief introduction.