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Basketball Statistic Archive
EuroLeague, European Championship, NBA, Olympic Games, Saporta Cup, SuproLeague, World Championship.
Contains updated fantasy basketball NBA player rankings.
Offers efficiency ratings by position.
Centre Sport Basketball Statistics
All statistics of league, teams and players (1937-2002). NBA, ABA, BAA, NBL.
NBA player statistics and fantasy point values. Includes a link to historical fantasy NBA player rankings.
Hoops Klyce
Provides statistics, reports, and ratings for fantasy basketball.
Hoops Stats
Covers all NBA teams and players.
Sonny Moore's Computer Power Ratings
Provides ratings for NCAA college teams.
Sportsdatabase: NBA
Access historical data by team match ups, ranking tables, trends, and by ad-hoc query.
NCAA team power ratings by home, away, and RPI. Predict game scores and decide who's NCAA Tournament-bound. Covers NBA also.