Inside B-Ball: Tim McCarver's Baseball for Br
Review of the book from Business Week in 1998. Special emphasis on the thoroughness of the author's explanations and his ability to teach the game.
Ruminations On A Baboon: I Hate Tim McCarver
Devoted to those who despise the announcer. Strong attacks on his ability to call a game.
Tim McCarver
Official site for the baseball catcher turned television announcer and analyst. Includes biography and details of his interview program, listing upcoming guests, schedule, and satellite availability.
Tim McCarver
Tables of important offensive statistics by year and by team. Notes All-Star seasons.
Tim McCarver
RLR Associates management company promotional material with photograph and links to news items featuring the broadcaster.
Tim McCarver interactive poll concerning the annoyance factor for the announcer. Lists pros and cons of considering him annoying.
Tim McCarver
Profile from Cumulative and season statistics, biographical background, and nickname, with links to teams, individual players, and books and articles about him. Also highlights by date, news, and related articles.
Tim McCarver Statistics provides major league batting and fielding major statistics for each season and his career, a list of post-season awards, and his rank on various season and career statistical leaderboards. Also comparisons to similar batters and players of his age.
Tim McCarver: Quotes
List of comments about the game and some of the players.
Ultimate Mets Database: Tim McCarver
Biographical information, illustrations, former teams, and fan comments about him as catcher and as Mets broadcaster.