Caminiti, Ken
CNN/SI - Ken Caminiti, - Ken Caminiti, Major League Baseball: Ken Caminiti
Campanella, Roy
CMG Worldwide - Roy Campanella, CNN/SI - Roy Campanella, National Baseball Hall of Fame: Roy Campanella
Canseco, Jose
Cansecofan,, - Jose Canseco, CNN/SI - Jose Canseco, - Jose Canseco, Jose Canseco Countdown to 500 Home Runs, Jose Canseco's Official Website
Carlton, Steve
Carlton, CNN/SI - Steve Carlton, National Baseball Hall of Fame: Steve Carlton
Castilla, Vinny
CBS Sportsline - Mexican fans hope for blast from , CNN/SI - Vinny Castilla, - Vinny Castilla
Cepeda, Orlando
Latino Legends - Orlando Cepeda, National Baseball Hall of Fame - Orlando Cepeda, Viva Cepeda!
Clemens, Roger
CNN/SI - Roger Clemens, - Roger Clemens, Rocket Roger Clemens, Rocket Roger Clemens, Roger Clemens Foundation, Roger Clemens: The Rocket Page
Clemente, Roberto
CNN/SI - Roberto Clemente, Latino Legends - Roberto Clemente, National Baseball Hall of Fame: Roberto Clemente, Pittsburgh Pirates: A Form Of Punishment, Roberto Clemente, The Official Roberto Clemente Website
Cobb, Ty
@ugusta History: Ty Cobb, a baseball hall of fame, CMG Worldwide - Ty Cobb, CNN/SI - Ty Cobb, Grave of Ty Cobb, IMDB: Cobb (1994), IMDB: Ty Cobb, Library of Congress: American Memory, National Baseball Hall of Fame: Ty Cobb, TSN Vault: Ty Cobb Letters, Ty Cobb