english deutsch
Am I a Woman?
Summary of a 1998 Mademoiselle article about intersex activist Angela Moreno in which she describes the lingering effects of her gender assignment surgery.
Ambiguous Genitalia: Stop Gender Assignment
An article by Deborah E. Brown, Director Intersex Support Group International, urging parents to avoid early invasive treatments.
Astraea: Genital Surgery Controversy
Text of a New York Times article examining the legal issue of gender assignment surgery and comparing the practice to female genital mutilation.
British Association of Paediatric Surgeons
Draft statement of the Working Party on the surgical management of children born with ambiguous genitalia. Lists the members of the party, defines the various conditions that cause ambiguous genitalia, and gives references. Also has an appendix describing the forms of clitoral surgery, their indications, and their effects.
Genital Plastic Surgery
An article examining the nature vs. nuture argument that encourages parents to make an informed decision about whether or not to consent to surgery.
Genital Surgery On Intersexed Children
A letter from Cheryl Chase, Executive Director, Intersex Society of North America to a judge in Colombia, South America expressing the opinion that choices involving sexual identity and cosmetic genital surgery should be left to the patient.
Into the Hands of Babes
Article from Johns Hopkins Magazine about William Reiner and his change of heart with regards to the treatment of intersexed children.
Making the Cut
Article from Ms. Magazine tracing the history of clitoridectomy from the 1800s when it was used to prevent masturbation to the modern practice of assigning gender to sexually ambiguous children.
Managing Intersex
An editorial with references and responses arguing that most vaginal surgery in children should be deferred.
Physician's Weekly Point/Counterpoint
Doctor's Peter Lee and Philip Gruppuso argue the issue of whether cosmetic surgery should be performed on children born with ambiguous genitals.
Queer Cut Bodies
Paper by Morgan Holmes subtitled "Intersexuality & Homophobia in Medical Practice" which examines the surgical and medical management of intersexed children in terms of a relationship of violence in which the intersexed are disenfranchised, suggesting that homophobia is a motivating factor in the management of intersexed bodies.
Sexual Scientists Question Medical Treatment of He
Summary of a symposium titled "Genitals, Identity, and Gender," at the 1995 convention of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex.
Surgery for Intersex
Article from the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine examining the sex of rearing, the long term outcomes of feminization, and the patient's view. Includes references.
The Genesis of Gender Identity in the Male
Summary of the NYU study subtitled "Prenatal Androgen Effects on Gender Identity and Gender Role" which examined gender identity, gender reassignment, and related issues in 36 patients who are genetically male, but were born without a phallus.
The True Story of John/Joan
Story of an anonymous baby boy who was turned into a girl by doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1967 after the boy's penis was burned by an electro-cautery needle during circumcision.