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Feminist essay
This article by Jennifer Moore examines the issue of woman only space and socialization.
Feminist Process and the Consensus Method
How to conduct a meeting by following feminist principles. Please check your male privilege at the door.
Gender Studies, Legal Studies, and American Politi
Resource for advanced students of law, politics, feminist theory, history, and philosophy.
Men in Ewes' Clothing
Anti-trans feminist website which argues that transgender is subverting the women's movement.
Menacing Feminism, Educating Sisters
Academic paper which defines and explores Trans Feminism. Written by Robert J. Hill. [Requires Acrobat Reader]
Politicizing Gender
An anarchist transgendered womyn examines many issues, such as Brandon Teena and gender essentialism.
Sunny Camp Trans
Explanation of Camp Trans in comic book form. Handed out at the Michigan Womyns Festival.
Trans Feminism - Anne's Trans Reference Site
A excellent collection of trans feminist articles by a University professor who teaches Women Studies.
Trans Inclusion Policy Manual for Women's Org
Lengthy pdf format book which reconciles transsexual and feminism within organizations and within society at large
Transfeminist Anthology Project gives voice to those who stand in the gap between some members of feminist and trans movements, and calls attention to trans feminists.
TS Feminism and TG Politicization
An essay by Jessica Xavier about transgender and feminist issues and community involvement.
Where did we go wrong?
Transman and feminist, Stephen Whittle sorts through theory and personal experiences of past 30 years