Comics and Graphic Novels, Digital, Illustration, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Web Graphics, Art of Stephen Kasner, Art-Nocturne: The Art of Ver Curtiss, Autumn, Darkness, Monsters (1996), Bajema's Web, Candy Apple Black, Dark Chamber, Dark Maiden, Dark Pictures, Dark's Art Parlour, Dia de los Muertos - Day of the Dead
Chats and Forums
Caliginous Thoughts, Castle of Romance Dating Service, Cathedral Of Darkness, Club Gothique, Dark Forum, Dark Recesses of the Mind, Darkboy's Gothic Friends Forum, Darkwave Club Listings, Dark_Visions' chatroom, Enigma
BerzerkoLINKX, Black Page Directory, Cryptic Chaos, Dark Side of the Net, e Goth, Fire Escape's Christian Goth Resources, Gothic Art Links, Gothic Links Worldwide, Gothic Underworld, Gothic: The Old Curiosity Shop
Batgear Beyond, Dark by Design, Dark Wyccan's Guide to Gothic Nail Care, Darklady's Gothic Mall, GawthPallor, GlitterGoth 101, Gothic Fashion Sewing, Grey Sterling's Self-Service Mortuary, Heliophobe
Home and Garden
alt.gothic.arts-and-crafts home page, Cat Smith DIYing, Darkbode, Doom It Yourself, GawthKrafte, Gothic Catering, Gothic Holidays, Gothic Martha Stewart, Six Feet Under
Angst Boy's Goth Quiz, Animated Gothic Humor Theater, Bats Day in the Fun Park, Go Goth!, Goth Works, How to seduce a Goth Princess, Insta GothKit, Jesus Was Gother Than You, llamagoth, Passed Out Goths of X
Magazines and E-zines, Candelabra, CheapSkates, Dark Culture Magazine, Dark Realms Magazine,, From Dust 'zine, Goth is Dead, Goth-A-Billy, Gothic Beauty Magazine
Web Rings
Alt.Gothic Web Ring, Alt.Gothic.Coach_Class, Alt.Gothic.Fashion eBay Web Ring, Alt.Gothic.Fashion Web Ring, Anathema Ring, Colorado Gothic Web Ring, Dark Girls Unite, Dark Sanctuary Web Ring, Friends of Goth, Gothex Gothic Banner Exchange
American Gothic Tarot
A tarot pack designed with a Gothic theme. All cards are illustrated and described from the Gothic point of view
An Early History of Goth
Pete Scathe outlines the beginnings of the Goth movement between 1979 and 1984, and looks at the influences on its development, including bands and fashion.
Blood Dance: Goth
Azhrarn gives a detailed description of modern Gothic culture and its history, featuring images and articles.
Angel and MyLo host a Gothic forum and provide brief articles on Gothic themes, including music, dark books and movies.
Goth Lifestyle Different, not Violent
Article that appeared in The Tennessean defending the Gothic lifestyle in the aftermath of the Columbine incident.
Goth To Be Different
A site dedicated to the people who reign the night, the Gothic people.
Goths for Jesus
Inverted Goth's articles on Jesus and Christianity from the view of the dark culture, and a forum.
Archive of scholarly articles such as research and critical papers on the gothic subcultures by its fans.
Release Me
Hundreds of pictures of abandoned places, thousands of haunting places, serial killers, phobias, ghostly pictures, and urban legends. The Goth Culture
B.A. Robinson dispels some of the myths and preconceived notions about Goths, with references.
Stop the False Alarmism
Standard-Times article pleading to end stereotyping of students based on appearance and interests, particularly goths.
Sunlight and Shadow: Understanding the Gothic Subc
Jennifer Pitcock aims to dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding the Gothic subculture, in an effort to promote tolerance and understanding.
The Dark Side
Image database, text files, net-goth gallery, club listings, and links.
The Gothic Stereotype
Chris gives a Goth's perspective on the lifestyle.