Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Parenting Coll, Best Practices in Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Get Real about Teen Pregnancy, It's Up To Me, National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Par, New Mexico Teen Pregnancy Coalition, Prince George's County Teen Pregnancy Prevent, Reduce Adolescent Pregnancy Partnership Coalition
Abercrombie and Fitch Petition
A petition and message board on the issue of marketing thongs for children.
Abnormal Sex Differentiaton
Aims to help parents and patients understand intersexuality and the challenges that accompany syndromes of abnormal sex differentiation. Prepared by The Johns Hopkins Children Center.
CCS and Child Sexuality
A discussion of the anime series CCS, arguing that sexuality expressed by its characters is normal and should not be criticized.
Child Sexual Development
Academic paper by Loretta Haroian, Ph.D., concerning childhood sexual development.
Child Sexuality and Sexual Behavior
Report released by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare to disseminate recent discoveries in the field of child sexuality.
Child Trafficking - Digital Library
Supports effort to fight trafficking of children into prostitution, forced labour, child marriage, and other slavery-like conditions by increasing knowledge, sharing experience, and improving skills.
Childhood Sexuality
Academic paper discussing childhood sexuality.
Childhood, Sexuality & Bodyliness
Examines how children view their bodies and sexuality in relation to God and spirituality.
Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: Assessment
Research study assessing and treating a broad range of children ages 6-12 with sexual behavior problems in order to develop a typology and compare the efficacy of two approaches to treatment through a controlled treatment outcome study.
Coping with Your Child's Sexuality
Advice for parents who suspect that their children are homosexual.
Focus Adolescent Services
Resources and information on teen sexual behavior, teen pregnancy, and sexuality issues.
Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development
Overview of sexual development and awareness as theorized by Sigmund Freud.
Growing Up Sexually
Large anthropological study that examines childhood sexuality and scripting of sexual development. Included is a world reference atlas and an ethnographic index. By Diederik F. Janssen, MD.
Growing Up Sexually Email List
Reading and subscription list concerned with childhood sexuality matters. Free subscription ensures email notification of new academic research.
Harmful to Minors: Perils of Protecting Children F
Devote to the controversial work by Judith Levine. Includes links to reviews, news articles, excerpts.
Henry Jenkins - The Sensuous Child: Dr. Benjamin S
A discussion of twentieth century views towards child sexuality and the research of Dr. Spock.
Internet Abductions
Discusses the activities of adult sexual predators who attempt to lure children into real meetings with them from chat rooms.
Male Homosexual Attraction to Minors Information C
Making hard-to-find scientific information about male attraction to minor boys available to the public.
Normative Sexual Behavior in Children: A Contempor
Journal article from the American Academy of Pediatrics that presents findings from research on the relationship between sexual abuse and sexual behavior in children. [PDF Format].
Oscar, How Did I Get Here?
Offers details regarding the biological aspects of sexually related topics. Includes details on how to order an interactive CD-ROM for children aged five to nine.
Perverted Justice
Intended to root out and bring to light those who would use the Internet as a way to sexually abuse and prey upon children.
Project Growing Up Sexually
Covers an effort in surveying academic endeavor in child and youth sexuality matters. Features downloadable e-books, listserv/archive, bibliographies, various link collections, and a full text digital archive.
Recognizing Healthy and Unhealthy Sexual Developme
Article examining what is "normal" sexual development and behavior in children and teenagers, and which behaviors might signal that a child is a victim of sexual abuse, or acting in a sexually aggressive manner towards others. By Dr. Phil Rich.
Safer Child, Inc.: Sexuality & Kids
Advice and resources on variety of topics dealing with children, adolescents and sex, including sexual behavior, development, dating, sex crimes and child abuse. Targeted at parents and teens.
Sexuality and Your Child
A sexuality guide for parents of infants and toddlers.
Sexuality and Your Child -- For Children Ages 3 to
A guide for parents of the types of normal sexuality exhibited by 3-7 year old children.
The Children of Rage: Child Sexuality
A concise list of sexual behaviors exhibited by children, by age.
The Cult of Childhood and the Repression of Childh
Author discusses the history of childhood in western culture and how it has led to the 'cult of childhood' which does not recognize children as sexual beings.
The Sexual Life of Children
Academic report by Floyd Martinson regarding child sexuality.