Activities and Practices
Swinging, Bondage Calgary, Exhibitionist Post, Fetish Alliance, Globophilia, Journal of Mundane Behavior: In the Raw, NPR Talk of the Nation: "Friends with Benefit, Play!, The Offspring of Aeolus - On the Incest Taboo, The Suttle Leather Cares Foundation, The Tickling Media Forum
5,000 Married Men Confess, 69 Tips for Better Sex, Achieving Sexual Health, Advice From Dr. Don, Advice from Sari Locker, Advice with Attitude, Adviser in Sexology: Carlos Lisaar, Allexperts Sexuality Q&A, American Boudoir, Ask Emily Anything
Antisexual Stronghold, Asexuality Visibility and Education Network, Celibacy, Celibacy, Celibacy and Catholic Teaching - Father Mateo, Celibacy and Virginity, Celibacy Forum and More, Celibacy Is the Issue, Christian Celibacy, Epigee Birth Control Guide - Abstinence
Chats and Forums
Confidential Male Sexuality Editorials, Ever See Your Parents Have Sex?, Frank Discussions, Pleasure Talk, Sex About, Sex Forum, Sexploitation, SexualForums, The Male Multiple Orgasm Forum
Children and Adolescents
Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Abercrombie and Fitch Petition, Abnormal Sex Differentiaton, CCS and Child Sexuality, Child Sexual Development, Child Sexuality and Sexual Behavior, Child Trafficking - Digital Library, Childhood Sexuality, Childhood, Sexuality & Bodyliness, Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: Assessment, Coping with Your Child's Sexuality
General Encyclopedias
All About My Penis, All About My Vagina,, Encyclopedia of Sex, History of Sexuality, - Sexuality Index, Russian Woman and Sex, Sexual Synonyms, The Sexuality Database, Vagina Vérité
Male Sexuality
Average Penis Size Chart, Documentary of Penis Pictures, Erection Photos, Getting Through Life with a Small Penis, HealthyStrokes, Male Energy Work - Understanding Sexual Energy, Male Sex Role: Changes and Stressors, Male Sexuality: Moving Beyond the Myths, My Male Sexuality, Penis Size and Length Questions
Chats and Forums, Advanced Masturbation Techniques, Articles of Masturbation,,'s Masturbation Guide, Discovery of the Sexual Instinct, - Masturbation, Female Masturbation Reality, Good Vibrations, Jackinworld, Masturbation from a Christian Perspective
Metrosexuality - Real Men Get Waxed, - Metrosexuality, Salon - Meet the Metrosexual, The Word Spy - Metrosexual, What is Metrosexual and Metrosexuality?
News, Amorous Propensities, Aphrodite Women's Health: Female Sexuality Ne, Daze Reader, Falcon Productions, Funny Sex News, Gloryholecity Headlines, InnerSelf Magazine, InteliHealth: Sexual / Reproductive Health, International Planned Parenthood Foundation News
Politics of Sexuality
Organizations, Pornography, Sex Work, Sodomy, A Body of Love, ACLU - State Sodomy Statutes, Age of Consent, Articles of Sexual Theory Politics, Asexual Visibility and Education Network, Barton Street Community Partners for Crime Prevent, BDSM D/S and the Law: Legal Issues of Concern to K, Cocks of the Alpha Males, Equal Rights for Gay and Lesbian Homosexuals Alike, Family, Sex and the Individual; Women's Liber
Purity Tests
Definitive Purity Test, Gender Purity Test, Hotspots - Global Sex Survey and Sex Aptitude Test, Purescore, Purity Tests, Sex Purity Test for Women, Sexgage, The Sex Quiz Site, The Unisex Purity Test, The Unisex, Omnisexual Purity Test
Sacred Sexuality
Books and Journals, Workshops and Retreats, Compassion Sensuality, Earthfolk, Ecstatic Heart Openings, Goddess Massage of Atlanta, India World Radio, Institute of Intimate Wisdom, Journal of Spiritual Nudity, Kamashastra, Mysticism of Sex, Numena: BDSM and Spirituality
Sex Education
Abstinence-Only, Safer Sex, Teacher and Parent Resources, About Sexuality Education, Accepting Our Human Sexuality, Advocates for Youth - Comprehensive Sex Education, Blount Nurses For Health Education, Discussing Birds and Bees: Start When Your Kids Ar, Education Fund of Family Planning Advocates of New, Family Planning Council of Iowa, Get The Facts NY, Guide to Contraception and Responsible Sex, Heart to Heart Counselling Centre
Academic Programs, Papers and Studies, Sex Therapy, American Board of Sexology, Applied Sexology by Dr.Yuriy Zharkov, Entertainment Meets Sexual Health, Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and , Kip W. Ives, Author, Midwest Institute of Sexology, Sex Information and Education Council of Canada, Sexology SA and Academy for Sexology, Sexuarium Is Not any Penthouse, The American Board of Sexology
Sexual Addiction
Pornography, Support Groups, Be Broken Ministries, Bethesda Workshops, Blazing Grace,, Counselling Affiliates Treatment Program, Cybersex Addiction, Del Amo Hospital, Desert Stream Ministries, Dorothy Hayden, CSW, Females and Sex Addiction: Myths and Diagnostic Im
Spirituality - Home, Ancient Sexuality, Beautiful Islam: the Complete Way of Life, Bioethical Problems, Brett Waters Sanctuary, Eye of the Mind, Home of Futurlogics, Invitation to Salvation, Mama Sutra's Adore Yourself Page, (Freethinkers)
Articles, Directories, Instructors and Coaches, Mailing Lists, Videos, Workshops, 3rd Millennium Magic, Animated Kama Sutra, BodyEcstatic, Classic Lovemaking Techniques for Today's Lov, Cosmic Love, IFC Temple of Divine Love UK, Instant Karma Sutra,, Kundalini Tantra, LivingLoveUniverse
Workshops and Conferences
Annual Guelph Training Institute on Sexuality, Body Electric School, Conferences on Sexuality and Eroticism Worldwide, Enlighten Communications, Everything To Do With Sex Show, Extended Massive Orgasm, Future Sex - The Seminar Series, Good for Her: Events, Great Sex Secret Desires, Human Awareness Institute
Abby's Sexual Health
Includes sex, masturbation, and relationship advice, with articles, books, lessons, product reviews, surveys, and a discussion board. Site offers topics for women, men, and couples.
Ancient Egyptian Sexuality
An overview of sex and society in ancient Egypt.
Camille Paglia's Sexual Personae
An evaluation and summary of this scholar's provocative interpretation of Western Culture and the forces that have shaped it.
Confidential Sexuality
Offers surveys, articles, questions, answers, and stories on sexuality by way of anonymous interactive participation.
It's Your Call - Making Sexual Decisions
Interactive webpages that are intended to help you make decisions about what's right for you in terms of experiencing and expressing your sexuality for both men and women, of any sexual preference.
Sex Editorials
Offers free forums, factual reports, opinion articles, and personal stories on human sexuality and masturbation.
Sex Scrolls
Humor, articles, links and information on the history of sex and sexuality through the ages.
Sexual Morality FAQ
A discussion of traditional sexual morality with links to relevant resources on the web and elsewhere.
Sexual Wholeness, Inc.
A multifaceted, nonprofit organization that promotes sexual integrity, a positive masculinity and feminity, and passionate intimate relationships through workshops, books, articles, retreats and training.
Talkin' Sex
A guide to the TV show plus information on sexual health and lifestyle issues.