english deutsch
Adidam, Bhakti Yoga
Raja, Vedanta Society of Southern California
Hatha Yoga, Sahaja Yoga, Surat Shabd, Tantra, Erowid Spirit Vaults
Choosing a Yoga Style
Overview of the most common styles of yoga.
Church of the East the Yoga of Jesus
Subscriber based interactive services offer access to various discussion groups, chat rooms, esoteric courses, weekly meditations and teachings.
Eight Kinds of Yoga
Considers that there are eight main branches of Yoga and explains their meaning.
Erowid Spirit Vaults : Yoga
Spiritual and practical information about the many paths of yoga.
Suddha Dharma
Information on a yoga which is the transcendence of Gnana, Bhakti and Karma.
Vaishnava Philosophy: Yoga
Yoga defined and the differences between bhakti, karma and jnana explained from a Vaishnava viewpoint.
Yoga Paths
A beginner's guide to understanding distinct traditions.
Yoga Paths to Health and Enlightenment
An overview to assist in determining the most appropriate tradition with suggested reading.
Yoga Styles
Summary of the many styles.
Yoga Styles
Overview of common practices; emphasis on meditation.