Alphabetical List of UUA Mailing Lists
The master list of UUA-hosted email lists.
Conservative Forum for UU's
For Conservative and Libertarian UU's and those of other political views who wish to engage in friendly, spirited debate.
REC-Room Teacher Email Lists
Seven lists for different age groupings and those who teach many ages. For communication between teachers of UU religious education programs.
The soc.religion.unitarian-univ Newsgroup
This site describes soc.religion.unitarian-univ, the Unitarian Universalist Usenet newsgroup. (See also alt.religion.unitarian-univ, the unmoderated newsgroup.)
An online discussion group.
USENET FAQ - soc.religion.unitarian-univ
Information on the Usenet newsgroup, soc.religion.unitarian-univ
UUA Newcomers' Corner Bulletin Board
A place for newcomers to ask questions. The board is monitored so experienced UUs are likely to answer the questions.
UUA Newcomers' Email List
A special email list set up for people who are relatively new to Unitarian Universalism. Hosted and monitored by experienced UUs.
UUA Website Bulletin Board
A place for announcements, comments, questions about Unitarian Universalism. "A hate-free zone."
UUS-L Mailing List FAQ and Archive
Here's information about UUS-L, the oldest UU discussion mailing list. Although frequently contentious, and a skewed intro to UUism, UUS-L is a great place for the thick-skinned to debate UU-related topics.