Psychic Surgery
Andy Kaufman's Psychic Surgery, Christian Spiritism and Paranormal Healing, Crystalinks, Healing Quests, Inner Journey Survey, Joao de Deus, Philippine Psychic Surgery, Psychic Surgeon Web Ring, Unravelling the Enigma of Psychic Surgery
Avalon On-Line Healing Sanctuary
Online absent healing for all those in need, plus advice and guidance on healing. Also includes information on Ashford Christian Spiritualist Church.
First Spiritual Temple
Prayer based healing site with links to submit healing requests, pray for other seekers, related articles and references other sources of healing.
Free Healing
Hands-on healing both distant and in-person with testimonials, request form, and general information.
Gerhard Kluegl
Medium and healer who is able to detect and remove memories of past life, and current illnesses and injuries from the aura, includes workshops and event schedule, music therapy, and healing explanations.
Guiding Spirit
Spiritual Healing is perhaps the greatest spiritual gift that an individual may receive.
Mary Malone
International faith healer and visionary, includes venues and schedule of appearances, testimonials, videos and tapes, and photo gallery, also includes information regarding obtaining absent healings.
National Federation of Healers Inc
Australian based organization of Spiritual Healers, includes mission and services, calendar of events, member directory, and related links.
National Federation Of Spiritual Healers
Listing of healers worldwide, healing definitions, support, and training.
Philip Chave - Distance Spiritual Healer
Working with ancient universal energies to restore balance, bring inner harmony, stimulate the body's own immune system and induce deep relaxation.
Prayer, Spirituality and Healing
Defines spiritual healing and what can be healed, and the difference between spirituality and religion, also offers guidance through different aspects of self-healing.
Spiritual Healer On-Line
Offering absent or hands-on healing for people and their pets.
Spiritual Healing with Vinny Pinto
Remote healing over the telephone, includes methodology, fees and scheduling, specialties, training and background, and other services offered.
The White Rose Foundation
Training programs and general information on healing and mediumship development.
Trinity of Alabama
Teaching healing techniques through belief and faith in self, forgiveness, and God as a pure energy form or Universal Energy.
World Federation Of Healing
Organization for all health practitioners, to understand and practice holistic as well as spiritual health. Features healing definitions, membership information, healers directory, and message board.