Cultic Studies Journal, Cultic Studies Review, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emerg
A Short Study of the Scientology Religion, Altar Rhetoric and Online Performance: Scientology, Brought into the Fold: Influence and Persuasion in, Is Scientology a Religion?, Is Scientology a Religion?, Religious Philosophy, Religion and Church, Scientology -- Is This a Religion?, Scientology A Comparison with Religions of the Eas, Scientology's Relationship with Eastern Relig, Scientology, a New Religion
Academic Info: New Religious Movements
An annotated directory of Internet resources for the study of NRMs and alternative spirituality. Includes categories for academic study, Christian and secular responses, and specific movements.
AFF's Cult Information Service
Resources concerning psychological manipulation, cult groups, sects, and new religious movements. Includes conferences, full text essays, study guides, and details of periodicals.
Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR)
Established in 1988 and recognized in Italy as a public cultural institution in 1996, CESNUR is an international research center in the field of religious studies and new religious movements.
Cults and New Religious Movements: A Bibliography
Extensive reference list of scholarly literature pertaining to cults and NRMs.
Cults and Religion: Nurelweb
Includes complete texts of selected academic works, an exploration of African religions, and a mailing list: nurel-l.
Cults: From Positive to Homicidal Faith Groups
Essays from the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance cover cults, NRMs, the counter-cult movement, and attitudes toward minority religions.
GRIS di Roma
Italy based organization for the study of NRMs. Includes articles from "Cults & Society: An Internet Journal", press articles, and related documents. Site in English, Italian, and French.
INFORM: Information Network Focus on Religious Mov
London School of Economics based charity providing information about NRMs. Listing of events and seminars.
New Religious Movements Group
An American Academy of Religion program unit engaging in the scholarly study of NRMs. Outline of activities and links to journals, directories, and professional societies.
Online Texts About Cults and New Religious Movemen
Extensive listing of links to complete text articles.
Religious Movements
Jeffrey K. Hadden's extensive collection of resources covering cults, sects, and new and established religions. Includes profiles and links for over 200 religious movements, discussion of cult group controversies, and teaching course materials.
The French and German versus American Debate Over
Stephen A. Kent examines the sociological reasons for European government concern over new religious movements, and analyzes the State Department's apparent acceptance of Scientologists' claims of human rights abuses. [Marburg Journal of Religion]
The Reliability of Apostate Testimony About New Re
Study by Dr. Kliever of Southern Methodist University.
When Scholars Know Sin: Alternative Religions and
Article by Stephen A. Kent and Theresa Krebs sounds the alarm about trusting researchers being co-opted by the groups they study, thus bringing the social study of religion into disrepute.