Beinsa Douno
Master Beinsa Douno, The Master Beinsa Douno, The Master Beinsa Douno Dedicated Site, The Master Petar Deunov
Lost Years Theories, A Portrait of Jesus, Ancient Jewish Accounts of Jesus, Atheists for Jesus, Beliefnet: The Search for Jesus, Divus Julius, Frontline: From Jesus to Christ, Historical Jesus Quest, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Seminar, Jesus Through Buddhist Eyes
Famous Adherents
Links to lists of famous adherents of different religions (not necessarily only religious leaders): Famous Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, and Unitarians.
Gurus--Good, Bad and Bogus
An introduction to a dozen contemporary spiritual teachers and masters, including Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, L. Ron Hubbard, and Sathya Sai Baba.
Spiritual Stars of the Golden Age
Gives biographies of adherents and adepts of religions, mystics, monks, saints, spiritual teachers, heroes and anti-heroes from different religions.
Writings of Joseph John (JJ) Dewey
J.J. Dewey synthesizes inspired wisdom from East and West, Christian and New Age, Religious and Secular.