Isis, Egyptian Passion Plays, Heru's Temple, Osiris, Per Djehuty, The Domain of Bast, The Domain of Het-Hert (Hathor)
Akhentef's World
Lots of information dealing with the Gods and Goddesses of the Netjer. Also general information regarding Paganism.
Akhet Hwt-Hrw
A Temple of Ancient Egyptian Religion dedicated to the Egyptian Goddess Hwt-Hrw (Hathor). The pages listed here give information about the religion and culture of Ancient Egypt, Akhet as both a temple and school, as well as listing some of the many services offered by Akhet.
Ancient Egyptian Virtual Temple
The boat is docked and waiting to take you on your journey to explore the realm known as ancient Egypt or Kemet as it was known to the Egyptians themselves. According to these ancient people, Egypt was not just an earthly locality, but in fact a reflection of heaven itself. To them, the world, the universe and man mirrored each other.
Circle of the Sacred Spirits
An educational site about the teachings and worship of Aset (Isis) Ancient Egypt, and other deities.
House of Netjer
Kemetic Orthodox temple dedicated to the restoration of the authentic ancient Egyptian religion, through the study of source texts and Egyptological research.
International Network of Kemetics
Organization dedicated to the networking and sharing of knowledge among the practitioners of the Kemetic Faith, and to helping facilitate the reconstruction of the Ancient Egyptian religious practices and culture.
An online community forum for Kemetics dedicated to building fellowship and community. Discussion boards are available for all topics relevant to Kemetics.
Kheperu em INU: Temple to the Goddess of Manifesta
This temple is dedicated to worship of the Goddess INU consort of the god NU, and to mastery of the 'Khaibit' or shadow self.
Kimata Noah - The Black Nation
The National Kemetic Orthodox Church of the Romathi people. Their teachings are based on the Xonah, the authentic word of Amun Ra' So Inther to his people.
Modern Egyptian Ritual Magick
An attempt to modernize the ancient Egyptian religious systems for the benefit of the contemporary mystic and occultist.
Per Sekhmet
Dedicated to help learning more about the Kemetic religion: the spirituality and belief systems of Ancient Egypt. It is a place where you can learn the histories and aspects of the Neteru and historical and archeological aspects of the Ancient Egyptian religion.
A temple dedicated to the restoration and revival of the Kemet Faith in modern times.
Information on Seshat, the Kemetic Orthodox Name of Netjer associated with writing and record-keeping. Also features an online journal.
Site of the Soul
Created to teach, instruct, and train how to dialogue with the Soul using Ancient Egyptian ritual and magic.
Story of Seshat: Leaves from the Tree of Life
Her name is rarely spoken, yet it is there like the sun or the sky, or the stars that She gazes on - always present even if unheard. It is Seshat - the one who writes upon the leaves of the tree of life. She is one aspect of the totality of the divine. In Kemetic terms, Netjer is the sum of divinity, each of Its names a part of the whole.
The Land of Kam
Dedicated to the African Diasporic tradition known as the Kametic or ancient Egyptian religion.
The Living Nuhati
Teachings, devotional practices, prayers, meditation techniques, and faith philosophy of the Native African, ancient Egyptian faith culture Nuhati-Am-Nutjeru.
The Temple Of Khem
A modern Mystery School which works to train sincere students in Egyptian Tradition spiritual and magical development.
The Temple of The Goddess Bast
Dedicated to the worship of Bast, as well as magic, healing and other topics.
Those WIly Egyptians ...
Exploration of Kemetic religions with articles, devotions, and reviews.