english deutsch
For the open and free discussion of topics related to Asatru or of interest to the Asatru community, with a focus on individual and inter-organizational cooperation, resource-sharing, and communication.
Asatru-NE Discussion List
An e-mail discussion list devoted to the discussion of the Asatru religion and the fostering of community in the Northeast USA.
Develops and publishes Asatru (Germanic Heathen) courses for different kinds of students; for different levels of rigor and abstraction; and for directed and independent study.
Discussions about how to live according to Asatru tenets, how to put the Noble Virtues into operation, and how to pass them along to the next generation.
For discussion of Anglo-Saxon Heathen topics.
In ancient times, a "flyting" was an exchange of insults. This tradition is continued here, where Asatruar and other Norse/Germanic heathens may take their flame-wars from other email lists and insult one another to their hearts' content. Onlookers are welcome as well.
This is a forum for the discussion of the Runes.
Heathen Europe
For people interested in Asatru, Heathenry and Seidhr.
Heathen Homesteading
A mailing list for Asatruar/Heathens who homestead or are interested in homesteading. Discussions include livestock raising, organic gardens, rural living, hunting and fishing.
For the benefit of those new to Asatru and others wishing to gain a deeper understanding of applicable texts. It will select a book, then read and discuss it one section at a time.
Dedicated to the Continental Saxons and their cousins in England.
The Asatru E-list
Discussion on any topic related to Norse Paganism or Asatru (e.g. runes).
UK Heathenry
A networking list for heathens and people interested in heathenism.
Dedicated to the discussion of the runes, galdor, and other aspects of Norse and Germanic magic.