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Sahaja Yoga
Historical Background of Sahaja Yoga, Mataji Nirmala Devi & Her Kundalini Awakening, Sahaja Yoga, Sahaja Yoga Cult, sahaja-yoga Messages, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's Sahaja Yoga: Secon, Shri who must be obeyed, Sri Mataji's Sahaja Yoga, Talk-About-Sahaja-Yoga forum, WIPO Domain Name Dispute: Case D2001-0467
Adi Da/Adidam
Archive of articles, most related to the 1985 lawsuit by a former member charging the sect with sexual abuse, involuntary servitude, and false imprisonment.
An Open Letter About Siddha Yoga, 1995
Former members of Siddha Yoga (SYDA) outline the specific abuses of the group and its leaders that led them to leave the group.
Critical information about the guru called Sri Chinmoy.
Critical Considerations Regarding Yoga As Spiritua
Surveys some basic inconsistencies in Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga.
Daism Research Index
A database of articles about Adi Da, a.k.a. Da Free John, a.k.a. Franklin Jones.
Derek Bishop's Criticism Of Avatar Adi Da Sam
A site presenting criticism of the abusive, adharmic beliefs and practices of the Adidam cult and its leader, Adi Da Samraj.
Presented by ex-followers of the ex-"Lord of the Universe," Maharaji. Information in English, French, and Spanish on Prem Rawat, Elan Vital, and the Divine Light Mission. Interviews, personal stories, news items.
An ummoderated discussion group for former members of SYDA (Siddha Yoga), also open to current members.
False Guru
A short expose of Michael Martin, a guru from East Texas who claims to be God Incarnate, a perfect living master in the Shabd yoga, Radhasoami tradition.
Gentle Wind Project
Former Gentle Wind Project members tell insiders' stories of experiences and recovery.
Kundalini Complications
An overview of the hazards of forcing a Kundalini awakening with real world examples.
Leaving Nityananda Institute
Critique of Swami Chetananda, with links to media articles and stories by former members of Nityananda Institute.
Leaving Siddha Yoga
Information and testimonials from former members of Siddha Yoga (SYDA), describing sexual abuse and other kinds of corruption connected to Muktananda and Gurumayi.
Paramhansa Yogananda: A Different Light
A follower of Yogananda expresses concerns about the Self-Realization Fellowship organization.
Radhasoami, Sant Mat, & Shabd Yoga
Debates, essays, and reviews.
Self-Realization Fellowship's Kriya Pledge
To learn kriya, you have to promise things over your head; to keep your pledge may be impossible.
ShivaYoga Information Page
Former members of Swami Shankaranada's Shiva Process Group, in Melbourne, Australia. Shankarananda was formerly a Siddha Yoga swami.
Shyam Shadows: The Dark Side of Swami Shyam
Alleges abuse of power and sexual impropriety by Swami Shyam, based in Kullu India. Links to other "opposing views" sites.
SRF Walrus
Open forum for the discussion of Self-Realization Fellowship, its practices, goals, and relationship to members and monastics/employees.
Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga Institute, Yoga
Information, News and Views of Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga Institute, Yogaville
Tantric Tibetan Buddhism
Essay by Frank Robert Pedersen
The Case of Adi Da
Ken Wilber says that while Adi Da has written some extraordinary things, there are serious problems that should make anyone reluctant to take up Daism.
The Shadow of the Dalai Lama
Sexuality, magic and politics in Tibetan Buddhism.
Traumatic Abuse in Cults
Cult Information, cult counseling, cult abuse and recovery; using examples from Siddha Yoga (SYDA) of traumatic abuses in cults.
Yogananda Rediscovered
Ananda members charge that Self-Realization Fellowship has changed the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.
Yogi Bhajan Parody
Critique of bogus Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO cult.