Channeled Material
Lazaris, Pleiadians, Angels, God's Ministering Spirits, Ron Rhodes Evaluates Today's Angel Craze
A Christian Evaluation of Channeling
Gary F. Zeolla argues that channeling contradicts the Bible.
A Christian Prerspective on the New Age Practice o
Eric Pement argues that channeling can be both a construct of the mind and the result of demonic influence.
Cosmic Fool
Articles opposing the whole concept of channeling. Also has discussion forums.
Dead Spirits Acting Through The Living : Mediums a
A critical look at channeling, argues as to what channeling is and what it is not.
Let Us Reason Ministries: Channeling
Critical evaluation of channeling, from a Christian perspective.
What is Channeling?
A Christian perspective explores the popular New Age practice, sternly forbidden by the Bible.