Is Maitreya the Antichrist?, Maitreya and the Antichrist, Maitreya, the Betrayer, New Age Luciferianism/Maitreyanism, The Rainbow Swastika
Ascended Masters: Rulers of the Darkness of this A
Contends that there are manipulations and global scale deceptions spread by Ascended Masters.
I AM Activity, Guy Ballard, and St Germain Exposed
Ex I AM students share testimonials and evaluate the I AM Activity, Guy Ballard, Edna Ballard, and Saint Germain.
Star Wars Promotes New Age False Messiah
Reseacher contends that certain movies promote a New Age, Ascended Master false theology.
Supreme Master Ching Hai - Oppposing Views
Presents documentary and opposing articles about Supreme Master Ching Hai and her "Quan Yin" method.
The Christ of the New Age Movement
Describes how New Agers distinguish between Jesus (as a human vessel) and the Christ (a cosmic, impersonal entity).
Was the Logos Melchizedek?
Uses quotations from scripture to refute the assertion that Melchizedek was Christ before his human incarnation.