Christian viewpoint on whether or not one can contact angels through a channeling board.
Bible Headquarters
A brief explanation of what the ouija board is and why it is dangerous.
Don't Get Trapped
Story of a young woman's trip from the church pew, into a life of hell. It all started with a channeling board.
Goodrich and the ERA Ouija Board
Article claiming that the Jehovah's Witnesses' oscilloclast, a medical device used by the religion, is only a complex channeling board.
J. H. Lowery Ministry
Nice extensive list of bible passages forbidding the use of channeling boards, and automatic writers.
Mama Rose
Spiritualist who does not approve of the channeling board, stating, "As a psychic exercise, it is questionable at best. As a method of divination, it is worthless."
Old Posts
Humorous opinion from a non-believer.
Ouija Board Protection Ritual
Tongue-in-cheek ritual to protect you form the evils of the channeling board. Don't forget your Elvis statue!
Ouija in the Classroom
A teacher conducts an experiment with his students to disprove the channeling board.
Ouija's, Psychics and other Myths
Short page, attempting to convince readers not to take the channeling board seriously. Author is a psychic with attitude.
Ouija: Not a Game
Article warning against the use of channeling boards by Dale Kaczmarek president of the Ghost Research Society.
Scepticism, creationism, and the paranormal
Short description of the ouija board and why it does not work.
Self Help and Psychology Magazine
Letter sent in to the magazine discussing a child who used a channeling board. The church later told her that she needed a special prayer to heal from the effects of the board.
Skeptic's Dictionary: Ouija Boards
Asserts that the movement of the planchette is not due to paranormal forces but to unnoticeable movements by those controlling the pointer.
TGHRS - 'GhostBusting'
Professional ghostbusters warn that the use of channeling boards can only end in negative results.
The Ouija Board
From a Christian perspective, discusses what happens when you communicate with spirits using a channeling board.
The Ouija Board
Another Christian view of the channeling board offering several resources that warn against their use.
The Rev's Comments About Ouija
A Reverend's view on the channeling board.
ZetaTalk: Ouija Boards
A brief discussion of why the channeling board does not contact the spirit world.