Age of Aquarius
An astronomically accurate look at the so-called astrological Age of Aquarius, and related phenomena such as precession.
Historical overview of influence of Astrology, and advice for Christians. Entree in Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Bibllical Theology.
Astrology & Science
Skeptical articles on astrological research, with brief rebuttals by astrologers.
Astrology Defence Kit
Activity kits to test the validity of astrology, including one for students to attempt to identify their own horoscope from an unidentified list of daily predictions.
Astrology, is it Harmless Fun or a Gateway into th
A detailed Christian critique of Astrology.
Astrology: Unlocking the Secrets of the Future
A Christian site looking at such issues as astrology, destiny and fear of the future.
Fortune Telling and Astrology
Christian view. Argues the Bible forbids such practices.
Geoffrey Dean's News-Making Article on Astrol
Dean's article on time twins, demonstrating that people born within minutes of each other share no more similarities than any other people. - Cosmic Counsel
Brief article asking what makes astrology so compelling. Mildly skeptical view.
Ophiuchus the Sun Sign
A site detailing the long-standing controversy about Ophiuchus - the 'thirteenth' sign of the zodiac.
Ron & Nancy's Age of Aquarius
Information on the scandal which followed the disclosure that Nancy Reagan had used astrology during the Reagan presidency.
SC/BC 1800C.03 FAQ Astrology Assignment
A rebuttal of an astrology FAQ section.
The Astrotest
Rob Nanninga details his findings following an astrology test he created.
The Dangers of Astrology
Issues a warning against the dangerous practice of Astrology. Christian view.
The Real Romance in the Stars
Richard Dawkins, author of 'The Selfish Gene', argues his case that astrology is neither fun nor harmless.
The Skeptic's Dictionary: Astrology
Overview of the arguments against astrology, with links to related resources and articles.
What about Astrology?
Asserts God instructed people to stay away from astrology. Christian view.