english deutsch
Allen Tate Wood
Essays, articles, book reviews, reading lists and reference links on cults and addiction.
American Family Foundation
Info on cults, cultic groups, abuse, manipulation. Practical assistance services for families; cult members' recovery support; cultic studies research for educators and professionals.
Becoming a victim of mind control
Listen to an interview with the founder of the Cult Information Centre about his experience of having been in a cult and the abusive tactics they can use to recruit.
Behold The Pale Horse
Mystery Rider unveiled. Is it the Emperor of Japan?
Carol Giambalvo
Cults, mind control, ethical standards for thought reform consultants.
Cult Apologist FAQ
Exposing the cults' willing defenders, their "arguments," and investigating their motives.
Cult Information Centre
An educational charity providing advice and information for victims of cults, their families and friends, researchers and the media.
Cult Prevention Resources
Information on many cults and new religious movements, such as Scientology, Hare Krishna, Osho, Moon, TM, Landmark, Children of God.
Cultic Studies Review
Information on psychological manipulation and abuse through cults, religious movements and other charismatic groups.
Cults 'R Us Hit List
Killer cults are usually led by charismatic megalomaniacs.
Doomsday Cults
A study of false prophets and doomsday cults.
ex-cult Archive
Basic archive on many controversial groups and their leaders -- usually from former members' perspective.
Community-type site for ex-disciples of the Morningland cult. Contains news, resources, mailing list, chat room and details of reunions.
Examining CESNUR
A look at the pro-cult stance of CESNUR.
ExCog and Friends
A message board forum, dedicated to ex-members of the Children of God.
Help regarding Cults, Sects, Human Rights Abuses, Brainwashing and Mind Control. Specializing in breaking news.
Frederick A. Drummond
Frederick A. Drummond and Church of our Saviour information.
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
The methods and purposes of destructive cults.
How to Become a Cult Guru
A satirical guide.
Resource center on cultic thinking.
inFormer Ministry
"... in service of cult victims and their families."
Joseph Szimhart
Cult information specialist, thought reform consultant, exit counseling.
Mahikari and the Golden Lily
Unfolding the mystery behind the mahikari cult and it's connection with billions of dollars of looted Asian war gold
Mahikari Information Site
Unmasking the secrets and miss-reported facts of this potentially dangerous group of modern day Japanese emperor worshippers.
Massimo Introvigne and The CESNUR Case
"Center for Studies on New Religions", an international research organization which receives public funds from the Piemonte Region since 1996 - and its connections to T.F.P. ("Tradition, Family and Property") a Brazilian extreme right-wing cult.
Meadow Haven transitional home
Meadow Haven is a transitional home exclusively for those escaping high control religious groups, cults, and abusive religious communes.
Moving On - Children of the Children of God
A site by young people raised in the Children of God Family.
New Day News.com Ministries
A recovery site dedicated to people related to the group known as The Children of God, aka The Family of Love, aka The Family.
New England Institute for Religious Research
Dedicated to assisting persons trapped in high-control religious groups and cults.
On-Line Resource About Spiritual Abuse
Recovery resources and information for those who have been spiritually abused
Project Bluelight
An anti-cult investigative agency specializing in the recovery of children and the elderly.
Recovering FOrmer CUltists Support network.
Rick Ross
Information on controversial groups, cult movements and cult activity. This vast archive contains thousands of individual documents.
Saints Alive in Jesus
An orthodox Christian apologetics site. Mormonism, Freemasonry, JWs, Islam, and evolution. Free e-Newsletter, bookstore, e-mail responsive.
Steven Hassan
Resources that explain mind control and destructive cults from the author of "Combatting Cult Mind Control."
Telefono Antiniente
The truth about the italian anti-magician association "Telefono Antiplagio"
The AntiChristians
This site is dedicated to giving information about Atheistic Cults in the United States.
The Mother of God
The Mother of God by Luna Tarlo. A mother's account of her experience as a disciple of her own son - Andrew Cohen.
The Tommy Garcia Story
The story of two children taken by their mother to be raised by Father Divine and the Peace Mission Movement. Includes newspaper articles.
Site offering news and views on many modern day cults.
Traumatic Abuse in Cults
An essay by Daniel Shaw, CSW, psychoanalyst and psychotherapist.
Truth to tell! - False 'Twelve Tribes' &
Personal, first-hand knowledge and experience of persecution, lies, theft, and on-going skulduggery at the hands of these devils. Wolves in sheep's clothing... Beware! Thou art warned.
Twelve Tribes EX
A resource to those effected by the Twelve Tribes Cult. Quotes Elbert Eugene Spriggs' teachings.
Understanding the Religious CULT Phenomenon
A former cult member's insights into the evolution of cults and the needs of cult members and leaders.
Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center
The US's only residential treatment facility for recovering cult victims. Offers counseling and personal care for recovering cult victims, support for loved ones, and educational programs regarding the cult problem.