Features articles on God, faith, prayer, the nature of spirituality, society and ethics, with numerous resources. All religions respected.
Cross Currents Magazine
A global network for people of faith with articles on the major world religions including Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism.
Hope Magazine
Emphasizes the difference people can make in one another's lives. Bimonthly issues feature stories on making the world a better place and on finding one's place within it.
InnerSelf Magazine
Articles by various authors on spirituality. Content focuses on spirituality as opposed to religion. Topics from Christianity to Zen.
Killing the Buddha
A religion magazine for people made anxious by churches, people embarrassed to be caught in the "spirituality" section of a bookstore, people both hostile and drawn to talk of God.
Knowledge of Reality
New findings in spirituality and religion, specializing in Eastern religions and covering a wide range of topics from Christianity to meditation and yoga.
French ezine about developments in the religious field. Includes news, in-depth analyses and interviews, documents, agenda of academic conferences. Edited by academics for a general audience.
The Fountain Magazine
The Fountain examines the moral, social and technological dilemmas we are facing at the dawn of a new millennium.
Think Deeply
Spirituality, philosophy and science combined in a forum for exploring the deep mysteries of the universe.
Wild Heart Journal
An online magazine celebrating the creative process and the spiritual path.