Ascended Masters
El Morya, Germain, Kuthumi, Maitreya, Quan Yin, Advanced Lightworkers Academy, Ascended Master, Ascended Master Teaching Foundation, Ascended Masters, Ascended Masters Portraits, Ascending with Love, Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth, Gopi Krishna regarding Kundalini, higher conscious, Immortalilty Immortals, Kalki Avatar
Ascension 2000, Ascension Research Center, Ascension Workshop, Golden Brotherhood of Light, International Society of Ascension, Ishayas' Ascension, Lessons for Ascension, New Age of Ascension, Pam Murray, Restoration of Full Consciousness
Breatharian blog, Inedia, Living on Light, Stop Eating, The Breatharian Institute of America
Celestine Prophecy
Celestine Prophecy Home Page, James Redfield's Celestine Vision, SpiralPath, The Celestine View
Channeled Material, Instruction, Abraham-Hicks fansite, Amaritha, Angelic Infusion, Ask the Willows, C.C.Channeling, Changing Realities, Channeled wisdom from Galexis, Channeling, Channeling, CharlesLightwalker
Chats and Forums
11:11 Spirit Guardians Message Board, A Circle of Light, Ajna, Ascension Path (yahoo-groups), Astral Dream Forum, Astral Projection Forum, Astral Travel Dream Circle, Awakening Mind, Blue Honey (yahoo-groups), City of Lights Discussion Club Home Page
Classic Metaphysics
AlexisBrooks, Alphomism, Astral Traveler, Cosmogenics, Kenneth G. Mills, Metaphysics Glossary, Metaphysics of the OverMind, Metasphere, Mind and Spirit - The Higher Aspects of Life, Modern Theosophy: Metaphysics
Conferences and Events
Abraham-Hicks Publications, Aspects Mind Body Spirit Fairs, Awakened Hearts, Center Peace, Earth, Health and Mystic Fayre, Global Healing, House of Light, Life Spectrums Conference and Retreat, Lifetools: An Introduction to Conscious Living, Light Path Enterprises
Directories, A Woman's Journey, Access New Age, Alternative Market Place, Angelic Reflections, Ascension Network, Awakening of the Spirit, Earth Healers, Earthpages, Holistic Junction
Earth Changes
Ascension and Earth Changes, Awakening: the Truth is Inside Us, Earth Change News, Earth Changes, Ecotheology, Global Vision 2012, Gordon Michael Scallion, Higher Path, I AM America, May 5, 2000 - New Age Guide
Dakota Eckankar, Eckankar, Eckankar, Eckankar in California, Eckankar in Illinois, Eckankar in Ontario Canada, Eckankar in the United Kingdom, eWakening Satsang Technologies
Education and Training
Diamond Approach, 1meditation, 2211 Company, LLC, A Course in Happiness, A School of Angelic Mysteries, Academy of Metaphysics, Adawehi Healing Center, AlmaTerraCom, Amarjah, American Institute of Holistic Theology, Angel Valley Ministries, Inc.
Dr. Weil Discusses Firewalking, Fire Spirit, Fire Walking Instructor Training, Firemaster, Firewalking, Firewalking Institute of Research and Education, Firewalking Myth vs Physics, Firewalking Seminars, Firewalks, Foundation for Mind-Being Research Editorial: Fire
How To Talk New Age, Otoons, The Dolphin Sky Foundation, The Lahko, The New Age IQ Test, Used Spirituality
11:11 Progress Group, Actualism, Ascension, Crimson Circle, Earthsong 2012, Heart Journeys with Marjorie Jackson, Heart Lights Ministry, Light Net, Light Workers, Lightwork Spiritual Development
Magazines and E-zines
Alternative Approaches, American Spirit Newspaper, Aquarian Solutions, Aquarius, Ashé Journal of Experimental Spirituality, Awakening into Awareness, Awareness Magazine, Body and Soul Magazine, Body Mind and Spirit of Long Island, Bursting the Body Light
Gurus, Labyrinths, Acem Meditation, Center for Soul Evolution, Foundation for a New Consciousness, Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment, Full Moon Meditation, Global Meditations Website, Golden Heart Meditation, Holly's Domain, Inner Outer Partnership, Learning Meditation
Order of Melchizedek
Merkaba, A Course in Light, Christ Alliance Tetra Trikaya, Dr. Joshua David Stone and the MSLA, Drunvalo Melchizedek's Personal Web Site, Flower of Life, The Spirit Gathering, Inc., The Vibrational Ark, Wings of Light
Regional, Arcana Celestia, Astara Online, CoreLight, Cosmic Internet Academy - C.I.A., Cosmosofy, Creative Harmonics Institute, David Hulse Ministries, Divine Way of Spiritual Heart, Earth Link Mission, Ecumenicon Fellowship
Personal Pages
A Day of a Tree, A Unified Mind Theory, Agents Of Deliverance, Alla Vita - To Life, Anamika and Harsita, Andrew's Chakras, Crystals and Meditations, Angel Wings, ANIMAL Teachers, Ann Alber's Visions of Heaven, Aquarian Mysteries
Practices and Ceremonies
Drumming Circles, Smudging, Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest, A Place of the Heart Spiritual Center, Ancient Healing Ways, Dream Feather, Earth Dance, Earth-Heart Institute of Vision and Healing, Earthen Spirituality Project, Earths Echo Expeditions, Heart of the Earth, Hero's Journey Programs, Medicine Power
Art, Audio and Video, Books, Crystals, Individual Products, Wholesale, 4D Shift, 60's & Further, A Peaceful Company, Alternative Concept, Amethyst Light, Animal Totem, Animal Totems, Arianna's Alternative Store and Wellness Cent, Ascending Light, Beyond The Rainbow
Spiritual Growth
11:11 Progress Group, Alan Cohen Programs and Publications, Bridge to Light, Enlightenment Web, Inner Frontier, Inspired Of Spirit UK, Journey with Spirit, Lessons for Living, New Age Philosophy, New Path to Awareness
Urantia Book
Aquarian Concepts Community, Beam's Doorway, Inspired Living Books, LightSon, Oregon Urantia Association, Process Theology, Registry of Urantia Organizations, Soldiers of the Circles, Square Circles Publishing, Teaching Mission
Walk-Ins and Starseeds
Extraterrestrial Earth Mission, Jody's 'ET Phone Home' Page, LL Research, Mahatma Shamballa Starseeds, PS Atlantis, Ruth Montgomery Interview, Starseeds Productions, The Abbotts, The Starseed Trans-Mission, WE International
Conversations With God
Official companion site to Neale Donald Walsch's book. Features author profile, interviews and Q&A sections, with details of seminars, study groups and products. Chat areas and personal testimonies.
GRACE Esoteric Training Center
A source for original esoteric and new age thought and information for Earth Volunteers. Includes affirmations, books, a newsletter, and description of volunteers.
Isle of Avalon
Information about new age centers and activities in and around Glastonbury, UK. Includes forum, articles, reviews, oracles and online courses.
Multi Dimensions
A journey through conscious, unconscious and superconscious worlds to find meditation, chakra and spiritual healing techniques for holistic well-being.
Native American Prophecies
American Indian prophecies as told by a white psychic who claims to be inhabited by a light being named Z.
New Age Lifestyle
How to adopt a New Age lifestyle as an alternative to traditional Western beliefs and practices. Includes sections on health and well being, approaches to religion and spirituality, and helping the environment.
New Age Spirituality
In-depth article defines the New Age movement and some of the core beliefs, explains the traditions from which it is rooted, describes the confusions caused by other religions, and highlights some of the more common practices.
New Age Temple
A large collection of articles on a variety of New Age and esoteric topics including practices, cultures, communities, and resources.
News from Nahziryah
Information, news and sales from the Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil.
Now Age
General information about chakras, reiki, and the emotional source of disease. Also offers flower and stone meanings.
Order of the White Lion
Presents the case for astrology, tarot, karma and the elements being part of a universal language.
Seeking to unite people on various spiritual paths into a collective on one path. Includes books, bulletins and articles, special services, and resources.
Sacred Wind
Spiritual information regarding the many aspects of the Divine Mother, based upon the teachings of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood.
Science of Wholeness
Offering a combination of several paths to wholeness including meditation, breatharianism, population control, alternative health, and spiritual marriage.
Soul City
Collection of spiritual readings with dream dictionary, meditation information, flower lore, philosophy section, shopping and a pot pourri of other new age information.
Spirit Guides
An article about spirit guides and how to contact them.
Spiritual Stew
A site focusing on spirit guides, meditation, cleansing of discarnate spirits, and power animals.
Stepping Stones
Contains enlightening stories and spirit encounters together with an online angel healing temple and metaphysical store.
The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus
The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age. Transcribed by Levi H. Dowling
The Llewellyn Encyclopedia
Definitions of a wide range of terms, with related articles.
The Maitreyan Order of Hsien Tao
Information about the Tantric-Alchemical-Kaballah as developed by master Khiron. Offers archives and events information, including details of Maitra as a way of life.
The Soul Element
Products and services for holistic development including spiritual counseling, reiki and healing, supplies, training, and a forum.
Inspiration, interaction, and intuitive writings to show how to live a life of love.
World Light Fellowship
Articles on ascension, healing and general spirituality, guidance for lightworkers, and channeled material from various ascended masters. Includes a database of alternative healers, centers, publishers, and related topics.