Becoming Me - a mystical creation story
Contains essays on mysticism and transpersonal psychology, plus original mystical pictures. Also testimonials and reviews for Martin Boroson's modern mystical parable, Becoming Me.
Book Mysticism, the mystical student
A downloadable book on mysticism.
Books on the Unity of Existence
Beshara Publications produces books on mysticism and science from five authors - Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi, Meister Eckhart, Abd al-Karim Jili, John Bennett and Bulent Rauf. Includes short extracts and ordering information.
Closing Gaps
A seeker presents his findings on the spiritual aspect of life.
Divine Print Publishers
A non-profit group publishing books on the teachings of Divine Messengers including Sri Sathya Sai Baba Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Rama and Zoroastra.
Love's Alchemy
A book about transforming all that you fear into all that you long for. Includes introduction, excerpts, online ordering and information about classes.
Mystica Publications
Publisher of books by Dr. Murdo MacDonald-Bayne, Derek Neville and others. Includes online store.
Mystics, Masters, Saints, Sages: Stories of Enligh
Promotes a book about 34 autobiographical enlightenment stories from saints and masters, ancient and modern from many of the world's spiritual traditions.
New Grail Publishing
Books and online resources on mysticism, gnosis, religion, creativity, spirituality and literature.
Science and Religion Books by Govardhan Hill Publi
This site describes books on consciousness, cosmology, evolution, physics, archaeology, etc. from the view point of both modern science and India's ancient wisdom.