Center for Integral Science
Articles on science and religion by Thomas J. McFarlane. Includes links to related sites.
Dr. Arthur Deikman
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California explores mysticism and related subjects.
History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents studied at the University of Amsterdam (UVA). Information on the curriculum, news and activities and links.
According to the author, "Poetic spirituality opens group-mind like a quantum-relativistic mystical stereogram in a revolutionary race to overturn the tyranny of totalitarian science."
IAMAI: A Journey into the Unseen
Hands-on course in metaphysics for non-mystics with free downloads.
MA in the Study of Mysticism and Religious Experie
Information on the academic study of mysticism and religious experience at the University of Kent at Canterbury.
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age
Etext of the book by Rudolf Steiner.
Schizophrenia & Mysticism
A look at the similarities and differences between the schizophrenic and mystical experiences.
Science and Mysticism During the Renaissance
Article on the possibility of a revolution in mysticism, which includes comparisons between important scientists and occultists of the same time period.
Science Without Bounds: A Synthesis of Science, Re
Free ebook which describes a world view based on the insights of the mystics, compatible with science's way of knowing.
The Mandelbrot Set, via Walt Whitman
A meditation on the harmony and creativity of nature, using Mandelbrot images, music, and the poetry of Walt Whitman.
The One behind the Many
Links for research into scientific and transpersonal models of consciousness, mysticism and reality.