Kosher Restaurant Databases
All to Eat Kosher in France, Hanefesh: USA Kosher Restaurants, Israeli Kosher Restaurant Guide, Jewish Celebrations, Jewish Restaurants and Kosher Food, Kosher Chicago, Kosher Delight, Kosher Restaurants Guide, Kosher-Dine, Koshernic
Kosher Supervision and Certification
Independent Organizations, American Asian Kashrus Services, Kof K Kosher Supervision, Kosher Overseers Associates of America, Kosher Supervision of America, Kosher Technical Konsultants, Organized Kashrus Laboratories, OU Kosher Certification and Information, Star K Kosher Certification, Triangle K Kosher Certification and Supervision, Va'ad HaKashruth of Delaware
Laws and Guidelines
Kashrut Guide, Kosher Dietary Laws, Kosher on Campus, Recommended Ritual Slaughter Practices, The Brochot Site, The Kosher Consumers Union, The Laws of Kashrus
Archives of the Newsgroup, Cambridge University Cholent Society, Classic Jewish-Food Recipe Archives, Cuisine Juive, jewish-food Mailing List Archives, Kosher Cooking, Kosher Recipes,, Sephardic Recipes, Shaarey Zedek Cookbooks
A Kosher information source on the internet for the kosher consumer.
Kosher Quest
A resource for the Kosher consumer listing products that are reliably certified. The web site of the Kosher Information Bureau.
Annual trade show for the Kosher food, ingredients, equipment, and food service,