A Straight or a Twisted Shofar?
Staff at the Bar-Ilan University's Parashat Hashavua Study Center discusses what kind of ram's horn to use as a shofar.
Chabad.org - Rosh Hashanah
Contains information about services, study, stories and recipes. Includes Kids section. Features Find-a-Service and E-Shanah Tovah cards. Also covers Ten Days of Repentance.
Egreetingz : Rosh Hashanah cards
Send online greetings and e-greetings for Rosh Hashanah
Midrash: Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah, halakhoth, laws and customs.
OU Presents Rosh HaShana
About the holiday, as well as advanced articles. Also includes a collection of audio links.
Rosh Hashana: Activity Ideas
Includes specific activities for age specific classes and groups.
Rosh Hashanah in CyberSpace
Jewish New Year resources.
Rosh HaShanah with Torah.org
Project Genesis has educational resources, observances, and recipes.
The Virtual Beit Midrash
A series of advanced lectures on Rosh HaShana, both philosophical and halachic. A resource for the serious student.
Torah Tots: Rosh Hashana Fun and Games
Childrens site, with background, games, and activities