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Ahuva's Chanukah Guide
Overview of the history and traditions of this minor holiday.
Aish HaTorah's Chanukah SuperSite
A colorful Chanukah one-stop, including lighting instructions, deeper insights and streaming songs & video.
Better Homes and Gardens: Hannukah Gifts
Get creative this holiday season with these homemade gift ideas.
Care-Mail Hanukkah Cards
Free animated and musical greetings that help save wildlife!
Caryn.com Chanukah
Emphasizes the unusual and multicultural alongside the traditional, info on prayers, blessings, games and stories, Mid-Eastern/African recipes for potato latkes, Jewish/Hanukkah graphics and clip art.
Chabad.org's Virtual Chanukah
How to celebrate, pray, light, listen and learn Chanukah; plus multi-level study, games, audio and video, how-to guide, stories, and recipes. Searchable worldwide public menorah lighting events.
Chanuka Classes of Jewish Torah Audio of 613.org
Audio classes and songs about Chanukah.
Chanuka Fun and Games
Simple telling of the story of the holiday, games, coloring pages. (From Torah Tots)
Chanuka Journal - The Virtual Beit Midrash
Collected articles on different aspects of Chanuka. Level: advanced
Chanukah - Torah.org
Project Genesis, Torah on the Information Superhighway, presents this collection of readings on different aspects of the holiday.
Chanukah at Kids Domain
E-cards, games, puzzles, mazes and other funs stuff. For kids.
Chanukah at Ohr Samayach
Collection of articles about Chanukah.
Chanukah at Web Holidays
Learn the origins of this holiday; recipes and crafts ideas. Spin the virtual dreidel.
Chanukah Chazzanut
Sheet music and historical background information of popular Chanukah songs. With Midi sound.
Chanukah on The Cyber Home of Torah
Orthodox Union "Everything there is to know about Chanuka site". Information for beginners, audio, background, and history.
Chanukah On the Net
Stories, crafts, recipes, kid stuff, books, music, information, and games.
Halacha, Jewish Laws and Jewish Customs of Chanuka
Online audio classes in the Halacha (Halakha) , Jewish laws and customs of Chanukah.
Historical background, classroom exercises, material for educators, thoughts on forgotten aspects of the holiday's story. (From the Jewish Agency's education department.)
Hanukah - Another View
Another look at the story of Hanukah. This has been published in several Synogogue newsletters and been the basis for discussion groups.
Jewish holiday site including lighting of menorah, chanukah ecards, dreidel, history, traditions, and free online book by Louis Ginzberg "The Legends of the Jews".
Hanukkah Traditions
Read about Hanukkah traditions, learn about Jewish history and discover delicious recipes.
Hanukkah: The Festival of Lights
Concise description of Hanukkah and the story behind it and the menorah, dreidel, and special foods.
Happy Joyous Hanuka
Lyrics to an English counting song written by Woody Guthrie.
How on Earth Do You Spell That?
Chanukah humor for the computer programmer.
Judaica Specialties
Shopping site for Chanukah party decorations and gifts.
Judaism 101: Chanukkah
Discusses Chanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. Includes songs, the rules for playing dreidel and a recipe for latkes (potato pancakes).
Shema Yisrael Chanukah Page
Insights and articles related to Chanukah.