english deutsch
International organization promoting rational monotheism and a reformation in Islam and other religions. Features articles and links.
God is Great
Includes a selection of quotes from the Qur'an, translated by Dr Rashad Kalifa.
Masjid Tucson
Information on the International Community of Submitters; includes articles on God, Quran, religious practices, women's rights, and tolerance. Adopts a "back to Quran" perspective.
Information for Muslims and non-Muslims in multiple languages, including a teenagers' section and catalog of resources. Argues against belief in the hadith and sunnah and aims to present pure Islam as it is revealed in the Quran.
Submission to God (Islam)
An introduction to Islam (Submission) includes articles on practices, beliefs, the Qur'an, and a catalogue of materials available.
The Quran
Gives examples of scientifically accurate statements and of numerologically miraculous occurrences in the Quran. Also argues against the use of haddith and sunnah to supplement the teachings of the Quran.
UK Submitters
Information about the group in Britain and their organization. Includes articles on Islam (Submission), the mathematical miracle of the Qur'an, and practices of the Submitters.
What is God's Message?
An article defending the authenticity of the Quran based on mathematical evidence.