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Articles on a variety of subjects dealing with Islam and contemporary affairs.
Insight (Islamic Journal)
Published by the Islamic Foundation for Education and Welfare (IFEW), a non-profit organisation in Sydney, Australia; explores issues and ideas relevant to Islam in contemporary society. Contains articles from current issue, and news of future issues.
A monthly Islamic publication. Includes history, back issues on line, articles, and a children's section.
Islam 21 Project - The International Forum for Isl
An on-line periodical offers a range of articles and features on Islam in the 21st century, organized by theme. Also includes conference and events details.
Islamic Voice
A monthly magazine for Muslims on the Indian sub-continent. Includes news from the Islamic world, community roundup, editorial comment, articles and subscription details.
Q-News - The Muslim Magazine
A monthly colour magazine published from London, which contains articles relevant to Muslims today, covering religion, politics and lifestyle issues. Includes an archive of past issues, and subscription information.
Trilingual (Arabic, German, English) online magazine focussing on the interface between the Islamic and Western world. Articles, news reports, book reviews, and newsletter.
The American Muslim
Bimonthly magazine aiming to support American Muslims, to provide information about Islam, and to promote discussion. Includes archives, index, and articles from the current issue.
The Call of Islam Magazine
A magazine published in Arabic and English for Muslims in Australia. Includes articles, current affairs commentary, interviews, and subscription details.
The Islamic Bulletin
Magazine covering many aspects of Islam. Features current and past issues, subscription form, and links to resources divided by topic.
The Message International
Bi-monthly magazine providing its American audience with easy access to Islam. Includes subscription details, and sample articles.
The Muslim Observer
Weekly Muslim newspaper providing international and national Islamic news from Michigan USA.