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Becoming Muslim
Aslamt.com, Becoming Muslim, Becoming Muslim: By Shariffa A Carlo (Al Andalusi, British and Muslim?, HispanicMuslims.com, Islamiat, Stories of New Muslims, thetruereligion.org - The Introduction and Decisio, Thoughts about Islam, Twelve Hours Old
An Introduction to Islam
The Middle East Institute has put this fine book on-line. An in-depth introduction to Islam
Converting to Islam
There is no God except Allah; Muhammad is Allah's Messenger. Thousands of people around the globe are converting to Islam. The religion of peace can change your life.
A collection of articles to help Muslims engaged in Daw'ah; includes a forum and links.
Guide to Islam
A site with extensive information on Islam for non-Muslims, Muslims considering Islam as a way of life, and Muslims.
How to become Muslim
Information with the non-Muslim who is seriously considering Islam in mind. Many links and videos.
Internet Mosque
A collection of English audio of the Qur'an and audio Islam lectures. Topics include Islam, How to become a Moslem, Qur'an, Qur'an recitation, and the Qur'an in English in MP3.
Introducing Islam
Islam refuses to accept any form of creation whatsoever as a deity worthy of worship. Nothing is worthy of worship except the One True God who created the heavens and the earth and all that is contained in it.
Investigating Islam
A good source for introductory information on Islam.
Invitation to Islam
This site contains an on-line version of The Noble Qur'an. It also gives local contacts in the United States closest to your zip code. Links to other sites, as well.
Islam - The Modern Religion
A comprehensive overview of Islam, many articles to introduce different aspects of the religion.
Islam - the Ultimate Religion
Provides information on Islam, the Holy Quran and Sunnah
Islam Based on the Koran
True Islam is very different from what is practiced by many Moslems. A Moslem explains how the Koran says we should live, as opposed to the oppressive customs of many Moslem societies.
Islam for Today
Aimed at new Muslims and potential converts. Covers basic Islamic beliefs and practices, conversion stories, women and Islam, family life and Muslim schools, Islamic history and civilization.
Islam in Brief with Yaser Shamsi
This site provides information for the non muslim and new muslim on a very basic level.
Islam: Some Articles
A number of articles with the new Muslim or non-Muslim considering Islam in mind.
Islam: The Most Beautiful Way of Life
Nicely organized site on several topics of interest to the new- and non- Muslim.
ISLAM: A Brief Introduction to the Muslim Faith
An introduction to Islam with an emphasis on morality, ethics and apologetics. Description of some Muslim groups and their beliefs.
Islam: The Religion of Proofs
Islam is the religion of all prophets, the religion of pure monotheism, and religion that is in accordance with man's innate nature. It is a religion based upon proof and not conjecture. Learn about the truth of Islam, the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).
Islam: Way of the Prophet
Learn about Islam, the Qur'an, Sunnah and Hadith. Here you can find recitation of the Qur'an, articles, images and photographs from the Islamic world and calligraphy.
Islamic Charity Foundation
Learn about Islam. Printable pamphlets, Audio lectures by good speakers, and more...
Islamic Invitation Centre
Collection of articles and audio talks by a wide range of speakers (listed by topic and by speaker). Also includes a FAQ.
Islamic Site with a Universal Message
A user-friendly website with comprehensive Islamic information, facts, and ideas. It seeks to emphasize the universal nature of the Islamic message.
Islamic Truth
This site is dedicated to the spreading of the truth about Islam. It contains a general introduction and articles on the Five Pillars of Islam.
Just converted help group
Group for new Muslims to learn about their new religion; non Muslims willing to learn and Muslims willing to contribute are welcome as well.
Kawlah's Korner
This site is chock full of information for the Muslim, Non-Muslim, and the newly-converted Muslim.
Learn About Islam
This site is designed for non-Muslims who wish to acquire basic knowledge on Islam, the faith and the basic duties of a Mulsim along with illustrated prayer and ablution guide.
MeccaCentric Da'wah Group
Offers a variety of audio-visual material for sale from speakers such as Hamza Yusuf, Abdal Hakim Murad, Muzammil Siddiqi and John Esposito.
Muslim World
Thoughts on the purpose of life and the nature of true religion, with information on converting to Islam for women, Christians, Jews, and others. Available in multiple languages.
A brief introduction to Islam, with sound files of the Shahadah, and some verses of the Quran.
Shahada - Confession of a Muslim
Learn how to become a Muslim and what a Muslim believes.
The Islamic Cooperative Office For Call And Guidan
This Site for calling to Islam by distributing Books through the Internet And P.O.Box Mail
The Islamic Information Center of America
The Islamic Information Center's mission is to educate the Non-Muslims about Islam and convert them.
The Islamic Page
Covers basic introductory material to Islam including instructions on how to pray, understanding Islam and the Muslims, Qur'an software and articles, and information about the Prophet Muhammad.
The Message of Islam
A very brief statement of some central beliefs and aspects of Islam.
The misunderstood religion --- Islam
Understanding Islamic Religion
This site provides information to help non- and new- Muslims understand the essentials of religion, god, belief, destiny, resurrection, meaning of life in general and islamic faith in particular.
Why Islam
A site with introductory information about Islam, including some free brochures, offer of a free Qur'an. Section on Jesus as a prophet of Islam. Affiliated with ICNA.