Yahoo Groups
Advaitin, Ambaal, Arya Samaj, Bhairava, Bhakti List, Devi Mandir, e-Satsang for the Bhagavad Gita, Hindu Mythology, Hindu Open Forum, Hinduism Environment
Hare Krishna Forum
Forum discussions on Vaishnavism / Krishna-consciousness by devotees in Singapore.
Hindu Club for All : MSN Group
Discuss topics on Hindu religion, exchange ideas and knowledge of Hindu religion.
Kaliananadaswami: MSN groups
A group discussing Hinduism, teachings of Shree Maa, Swami Satyananda Saraswati,Balsekar, Nisargadatta Maharaj and others.
Krishna Talk
Discussion forums on the different aspects of Lord Krishna and his worship.
Questions & Answers at Vedmandir
User questions on spirituality, religion,and their answers by Swami Ramswarup.