4C Gurdjieff Brasil
A site devoted to the divulgation of the ideas, system and methods of G.I. Gurdjieff, a philosopher and spiritual master whose teachings brought to the West the wisdom and knowledge of the East, and deal with self-knowledge and the harmonious development of Man.
All & Everything International Humanities Conf
Providing an open, congenial & serious atmosphere for the sharing of researches and investigations of G. I. Gurdjieff's legacy. Meeting annually in Bognor Regis, England, seeking to keep the study of the teachings of Gurdjieff relevant to global scientific, spiritual and sociological developments.
Annual Armenian Gurdjieff Conference
Conference called ?The Life and Work of G.I. Gurdjieff: Caucasian Influence in Contemporary Thought and Culture,? is to be held yearly in the Summer in Yerevan and Gyumri, Armenia. Scholars are invited to examine the various dimensions of the life and thought of G.I. Gurdjieff and in particular the Caucasian and Armenian roots of his work.
Ars Sacra Life Workshop
The intention of ars sacra is to help to discover and to build bridges to the creative potential in the human being using knowledge of old traditions and art with the means available for our time.
Bradford Gurdjieff Society
A group of people who meet together regularly in order to follow a Teaching known as the Work. Physical activities, arts and crafts, study and discussion, drama, cooking, and classes where members of the group undertake the Gurdjieff Movements.
Claymont Society for Continuous Education
Arranges seminars, conferences and retreats. The facilities are available for other like-minded groups. Runs a school for children and organic farming. Founder: J.G. Bennett.
Founded by Anthony Blake. DuVersity organizes Fourth Way work seminars, including Movements, based on Gurdjieff's and Bennett's teachings as understood and applied by Anthony Blake.
Fourth Way Gurdjieff Ouspensky School
Education concerning the Work Teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky, Maurice Nicoll and others.
Gurdjieff Austin
Provides authentic information regarding G.I. Gurdjieff's work and ideas and a contact to a Work organization.
Gurdjieff Dominican Group
Information on activities in the Dominican Republic.
Gurdjieff Legacy
A receiver-transmitter of the ancient and sacred teaching of understanding and conscience rediscovered and reformulated for our time by G. I. Gurdjieff.
Gurdjieff Los Angeles Group
A short presentation of the teaching, G. I. Gurdjieff and Willem A. Nyland, one of Gurdjieff's early pupils.
Gurdjieff Studies
Aims to promote and advance education in, and appreciation of the life of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff and of his teachings and philosophy.
Gurdjieff System Self-Study Group
Study group using the principles of George Gurdjieff as passed to Jane Heap and A. L. Staveley meeting weekly in Portland, Oregon.
Offering Movements and articles with practical exercises related to the Work. Many extracts from original texts by Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and other writers.
Ouspensky Foundation
Aims to study evolution of human existence and arranges courses and lectures related to the legacy of P. D. Ouspensky.
Praxis Research Institute
An institute for the study and practice of esoteric Christianity. Publishers of related books.
The path of inner alchemy in the teachings of Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way. A site with both Italian and English with plenty of information and events.
Search Group
Website dedicated to the teaching of Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff : biography, teachings, conferences.
Summa Foundation
Practical study in Philadelphia for self-development using Fourth Way methods, including Movements, articles and online-studies.
Tayu Meditation Center
Founded 1976 the center combines the Fourth Way teachings with Tayu meditation called self-observation. Offers a self study program.
The Church of Conscious Harmony
Traditional Christian contemplative practices of "centering prayer" and active prayer, and the esoteric Christian teachings of the Work of G. I. Gurdjieff.
The Fourthway ManHo Center
Aims to bring together fellows of friends who are interested in the teachings of Gurdjieff, Ouspensky & associates and also the Works of Professor Dr. Tan Man Ho. The center will help us explore, learn and develop ourselves and to understand in greater details the nature of all types of real world stopindering -sociocosmic, technocosmic, biocosmic, cosmic,etc.
The Institute for Universal Energies
Publishers. Also offering Gurdjieff/Ouspensky training and a magazine incorporating the ideas of G.I. Gurdjieff. Principal: Ian Phillips Lawrence.
The Northwest Academy for Continuous Education
A nonprofit organization dedicated to the harmonious development of the body, soul and spirit in the journey toward God. Our practice draws from the core truths of the great spiritual traditions and our aim is the fulfillment of our human destiny.
The Search at Northeon Forest
Arranges seminars and meeting. Articles on the philosophy of the organization and Gurdjieff's teaching. Established by Paul H. Beidler.
The Sirian Cultural Society
Focuses on art, music, psychology and cosmology in the tradition of Objective Science as rediscovered by G.I. Gurdjieff. Group meetings.
The Sojourner Institute
Shirra Meiklejohn-Wilson's privately owned religious institution.