Chats and Forums
93 Current, Abbey of Thelema, Aleister Crowley, Aleister's Niche, Atlanta Thelemic Forum, EQ (English Qaballa), HolyCram, Leaping Laughter, N.O.X., Oregon 93
Breakfast without Tears, Holy Moley! It's Aleister Crowley!, Illumnaughty, Liber Worth 15 Cents, That's MR Crowley to You!, The Book of the In-Laws, The One True Official Thelemic Organization
A.'.A.'., Aleister Crowley Foundation, Ordo Templi Orientis, Thelemic Golden Dawn, Albion O.T.O., Anarchaic Oriental Tantrik Order of A.'., Congregational Thelemic Church, Cor Lucis, Ecclesia Gnostica Universalis, Hermetic Alchemical Order of the QBLH, Holy Order Of RaHoorKhuit, Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn, Order of the Star, Order of Thelemic Knights
Personal Pages
David Cherubim, Dionysos Thriambos, Eidolons of Ash, Frater Abrasax, Frater M.S., Frater RIKB, Gaia Communications, Law Enforcement Guide to Thelemic and Pagan Religi, Lucifera's Home Page, Paul F. Savage
Jones, Charles Stansfield, Parsons, Jack, Reese, Charles, Hymenaeus Alpha: In Memoriam, Karl Kellner, Leah Hirsig, Leila Waddell, Rabelais: The First Thelemite, The Legacy of Jane Wolfe, The Magickal Diary of Alostrael
A Thelemite's Web Site
Information on Crowley and Thelema, as well as essays and media coverage on Thelemic subjects.
Aisha Qadisha's Scorpio Rising
Thelemic art galleries, writing, poetry, and priestesscraft.
Aleister Crowley's I Ching
A web based interface to Crowley's version of the I Ching.
Association for the Study of Thelema
A Thelemic student organization at San Francisco State University which offers lectures and a forum for understanding and exploring the philosophy of Thelema.
Avatar of the Eleventh Hour
The writings of Jack Parsons and other texts dealing with Babalon and Thelema.
Material regarding Thelema, Crowley, as well as a bulletin board.
Child of Therion
We of Thelema embrace the universal point of view that the Child of Therion is not the possession of one man alone, but of all of us. The Child of Therion is a Universal Spirit, the very Soul and Breath of all.
Crowley Central - Denmark
Thelemic essays and articles with a library of works by Aleister Crowley.
Diamondstar 418
A Thelemic webpage devoted to the propagation of love, light, life and liberation.
Do What Thou Wilt
Offers free e-mail services and online Thelemic holy books.
Feasts of the Times
Article which highlights the dates and times of Thelemic festivals using tropical and sidereal methods. By Soror Kaiomenos Logos
Frater 93's Page About Theosophy
Provides a resource for those individuals who are seeking other forms of expression of the God-Concept besides conventional religion.
Greater Thelema
Original essays and public documents on or relating to Thelema. Also includes a members section.
House of Horus
Dedicated to the exaltation and unveiling of Hathor in the New Aeon of Thelema. Includes original writings, invocations, hymns, graphics and links.
House of the Kabiri
Devoted to the Hellenic aspect of Thelema.
A dark apocalyptic group with thelemic, magickal and occult influences.
Index of Thelemic Libers
Thelemic Liber files from various Thelemic authors. The publications of the A:..A:. divide themselves into four classes.
Kaaba Publications
Archive of material regarding the English Qaballa and notes on Thelemic theology.
Bringing Thelema to the masses in common language and everyday life through original articles and web resources.
Liber Babalon
A celebration of Babalon. Features text, original artwork, and the story behind the CD, 'Liber Babalon'.
Liber Pennae Praenumbra
Communication received by Nema, author of "Maat Magick", from the being who is identified in the text as She Who Moves.
Liberty Captions
A collection of magickal art by Alistair Campbell produced during his membership in the OTO.
Magick and Musick
The occult attributions of the fingers on the hands for Thelemic musicians.
On Technical Information and On Curriculum
A series of essays by Grady L. McMurty, late Caliph of Ordo Templi Orientis.
Photographs of The Abbey of Thelema
Large collection of both modern and original photos of the abbey.
Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network
Extensive archive of Thelemic texts and information.
Resh Solar Celebration Resources
Star 418's Liber Resh information resources, including background on the egyptian god forms.
Robin's Magical Shareware and Freeware
Thelemic and Occult shareware and freeware. Windows only.
Spiritual Guitar Guide of David Cherubim
Guitar instructions for Thelemic, Magickal and Occult influenced musicians.
Star 418
A wide range of resources to inform, support, and entertain the Thelemic Magick community.
Temple of Pan
A collection of Poems, Paens, Hymns and Rites of the Horned God Pan.
The 93 Current
A comprehensive Thelemic resource page full of information on Aleister Crowley, Thelema, magick, Thelemic Orders and other occult subjects.
The Book of the Law
Multimedia presentation of Liber Al vel Legis (The Book of the Law) including scans of the original writing.
The Church of Tantra
A brief essay on will and tantra from a Thelemic perspective.
The Dream World
Information concerning the A.'.A.'. from the perspective of the author as well as personal essays on Thelema.
The Faustus Files
A collection of tiny essays on Thelemic topics by the author.
The House of Tum
Features the unveiling of the mystery codes of The Book of the Law.
The Law of Thelema is for all
Electronic texts from S.P.R.T. including Libers, poetry, stories, and essays of a magickal or Thelemic nature.
The Magickal Review
Original Thelemic essays, texts regarding Thelemic and Enochian magick (including online digital scans of the Enochian manuscripts) and other important documents relating to Thelema.
The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon
Rituals of the Ordo Templi Orientis and also features writings by Carl Kellner, Theodor Reuss, Aleister Crowley, and Rudolf Steiner.
The Qabalistic and Thelemic Works of Frater Achad
The complete published works of Charles Stansfield Jones.
The Serpent and the Lion
Contains documents, libers, and personal essays by the authors on various Thelemic subjects.
Thelema - The Cult of the Infinite
A gateway to Thelema. Contains introductory information and resources.
Thelema and the A.A.
Provided general information on the A.A. and its various lineages. Also includes personal essays and artwork.
Thelema Home Page
Offers general information about the spiritual philosophy of Life, Love, Liberty and Light known as Thelema.
Thelemic Initiation
Thelemic initiation is a personal battle with the self. The initiate of Thelema is a warrior of Nature who knows only one enemy-the self.
Thelemic Jerusalem
Information and texts on Thelema. Materials in English, Russian and Hebrew.
Thelemic Library
Text version of various Thelemic Holy Books and other writings.
Thelemic Magick
Collection of works and writings relating to Thelema from old and modern initiates.
Thelemic Musick
A free internet resource for Thelemic, Magickal and Occult influenced musicians and bands.
Warrior of Thelema
To the Warrior of Thelema, war extends beyond physical combat. There can be war on other planes. There is, for instance, the war with the self, which is the Great War of Initiation.
Provides exposure to Thelemic rituals, rites, and essays with a focus on modern Thelemic writers.