Gematria Database
Interactive search engine and database for calculating the value of Hebrew letters.
Hebrew letters and the Numbers that Correspond
A correspondence chart.
Isopsephia Calculator
Automatically calculates gematria based on the Greek, Hebrew and three different Roman systems.
Magical Alphabets
Various magical fonts available for download.
Magical Scripts
Magical and cipher alphabets, occult symbols, Hebrew and Coptic in TTF (TrueType) format. All fonts are freeware.
Occult Symbols and Original .GIFs
Occult symbols and esoteric web graphics, free for the downloading.
Religious Symbol Glossary
A visual dictionary of mystical, cultural, and mythological symbols from more than thirty faiths, groups, and movements.
Intends to bring together various traditions from all over the world to focus on key symbols both ancient and more recent in order to approach their common origin.
Symbols.Com - Western Signs and Ideograms
A large collection of symbols and signs found in Western Culture and esoteric schools of thought.
The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet
An in-depth look at our modern alphabet and it's relation to Esotericism.
The Eye of Horus Synbol of Ancient Egypt
The esoteric Eye of Horus religious symbol of ancient Egyptian religion was inspired by the "Eye of God" and winged sun disk that are manifested during total solar eclipses.
The Ouroboros - A Personal Symbology
Read an essay about the symbolism of the Ouroboros, a snake biting its own tail. View accompanying images of this ancient symbol.
Truetype Fonts
Truetype fonts of ancient alphabets and mythic symbols, including Ogham and Runic scripts.
Upon Reflection
Symbols and imagery used in the ancient world. Covering aspects of runes, Ogham, hieroglyphics and deities.