AMORC - Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, Canadian Rosicrucian Society, Lectorium Rosicrucianum, O.M.C.E., Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm, Rosicrucian Fellowship, Rosicrucian Order, Rosicrucian Order, Rosicrucian Order - Confraternity of the Rose Cros, Rosicrucian Order AMORC
2000 C.E. at The Four+Corners
A library of classical texts, as well as biographical information on past and present Rosicrucians and groups.
A Rosicrucian Speaks by Joseph J. Weed
A Series of Lectures delivered between 1941 and 1964 on Rosicrucianism and the Occult.
AMORC vs. Gary L. Stewart
Rosicrucian Reorganization: FAQ and documents concerning dismissed 1990 lawsuit against Imperator Gary L. Stewart.
Provides information dealing with protecting oneself against negative energy, and living in harmony.
Authentic Rosicrucian Fraternity in America and th
Pictures, contact information and articles.
Fama Fraternitatis
This is the key document on which the Rosicrucian phenomenon was based. It was first published in 1614 in German and in 1615 in Latin, though there are some manuscript copies in existence dating from about 1611
FAQ - Confraternity of the Rose Cross
Clarifying questions on Rosicrucianism in general, but also specifically to the CRC and related organizations.
Great Theosophists--The Rosicrucians (22 of 29)
A history of the Rosicrucians and an argument for the role they played in Theosophy.
Iolanda Therezinha Marcier
A biography of her life, teachings and beliefs.
Islamic Origin of the Rose Croix
Essay on the Islamic origins and influence on the movement.
J.R. Ritman Library - Bibliotheca Philosophica Her
Short article on Rosicrucian historical research being done at the library.
Noahs Arc
Interactive Rosicrucian study and worship group. Offers online correspondence.
Occultopedia: Order of the Rosy Cross
Information about the Order of the Rosy Cross, or Rosicrucians.
Prayers of the Rosy Cross
A small collection of Rosicrucian prayers for various events.
Rosicrucian Archive - Presenting Rosicrucianism
Presenting the ideals of Rosicrucianism. Large collection of writings dealing with Rosicrucianism and the Rosicrucians, both ancient and modern.
Rosicrucian Art and Ephemera
A collection of graphics from the larger Rosicrucian groups in the USA.
Rosicrucian Basics
General outline on key ideas of the Rosicrucians.
Rosicrucian Light
Rosicrucian Gate. Rosicrucian favorite sites, forum and related subjects.
Rosicrucian Study Group
Provides an informal forum for the study and discussion of Christian Mystic Philosophy. This Philosophy is based on the Rosicrucian teachings as given out by Max Heindel.
Rosicrucian Texts
A listing of a number of online Rosicrucian works in HTML format.
The Jagged Sword and Polish Rosicrucians
This article treats of various loosely connected facts which may throw some light on historical Rosicrucianism, especially in the context of Poland, though they may as well prove to be just barren speculations.
The Mystic Light
A online magazine created and supported by students of the Rosicrucian teachings and dedicated to all who search for truth.
The Seeker Page
The seeker web site provides information for the seeker of truth. It has an extensive section on Rosicrucianism and graphics of Roscicrucian Digests dating back to the 1930's.
World Wide Rosicrucian Fraternity
The Rosicrucians have the objective of helping you to discover your own self, your true self. "Official" web site of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood in the world.