Black Opal
Covers various esoteric topics such as magick, Thelema and Gnosticism. Includes links and documents.
Cardoza's Dragon Magick and Alchemy
Explores the Great Work of spiritual transformation through witchcraft, magick and alchemy. Includes comparative methodologies from various cultures.
Cold Me
Includes a collection of essays entitled the Maraka Project, which seek to trace the strategies used in combating the life-satan force known by the Avestan name Druj.
Information on Demonology and views on other forms of magick.
Daniel the Romanian White Magic Sorcerer
A legendary explanation for the author's magickal powers, combined with keen insights into bioenergetic fields and their correlation with magick.
Dark Angel's Pentacle Coven
Eclectic array of information, from Wiccan to Left Hand Path teachings.
Dark Night of the Soul
A compendium of occult, religious, and philosophical studies mixed with personal experiences.
A collection of information, including magick, drugs, meditation, tantra, and psychology.
Esoteric Engineering
Essays on various esoteric topics and interviews with occultists.
Fr. Pazuzu 7:7:9
Information on voodoo, chaos magick, and death rituals.
Frater 93
Provides many details on Aleister Crowley. Library section contains articles on Qabalah, magick, Theosophy and various other esoteric topics.
Hesselink, Katinka
Articles on Theosophy, Krishnamurti, occultism, sufism and Buddhism. Includes spiritual quotes.
This is a mystical study with Vedic, astrological, Khemetic, Islamic, Scientological, and Druidic focus in cross-cultural exposition, including ontology, theology, cosmology, tantrism, philosophy and some personal poetry. - Occultism
The Mother and Sri Aurobindo on Occultism: its meaning, its action, and their experiences.
Lucky Mojo
Catherine Yronwood's extensive archive of essays on subjects including sacred sexuality, Co-Masonry, sacred landscape, the history of amulets.
Magical Path
E-books and articles online covering various magickal topics.
Magick Witchcraft and Voodoo Spells
Provides the authors opinions about witchcraft, voodoo, and occult spells.
Magickal and occult resource to learn, share, contemplate occult topics such as Aleister Crowley, tarot, the Paranormal, and magick.
Occult Advances
Newest advances about the Alchemical Great Work, the Aura, the Tree of Life, the Temple rebuilding in Jerusalem and the Shekinah.
Occult Advances
Newest advances about the Tree of Life, the Alchemical Great Work, the rotation of Elements, the Temple Rebuilding, the Aura, and the antediluvian worldwide language.
Homepage of Norman Kraft, former master of the Commandery of the Black Rose and author of the book Ogdoadic Magick.
Owen Birnie
Personal page with original unpublished stories, books and general interests on esoteric ideas.
Parralell Whitch
Personal views of white and black magick. Also includes information on general Wiccan practices.
Ponder Ethereal
Original occult theory, essays, occult how-tos and book of shadows excerpts.
Rings Bells
Information on the Vuquin, Black Armada, and other such organizations.
Viewpoints on magickal practices using poetry, prose and other writings by the author.
Simon's Sorcery
One man's journey to enlightenment. Esotericism expressed in digital art.
Society for Creative Disorder
Spiritual enlightenment for deeper paths. Lend guidance and instruction for the spiritually minded, seeking deeper truth.
Spells and Magic
Puzuzu's place for black and white magic spells, charms, esoterica, and the conjuring of spirits.
Spirit Mythos
Akashic insights and mystical art on ancient cultures, New Earth, planetary changes and transformation.
Spiritual Knowledge
Dedicated to the spread of Spiritual Knowledge. It will also respond to questions from visitors.
Sterf's Site
Includes downloadable books and texts on the occult, mysticism, scientific curiosities, philosophy, and the author's other interests. Also provides related links.
Temple of Knowledge
Occult research, magick, and thoughts on developing personal abilities.
The Book of Angels
The work is a study in English Gemetria, where words values are added and assimilated into a synoptic structure containing the names of the Angels.
The Hermetic Work of Paul Tisdell
Spiritual alchemy, personal, spiritual, Kabbalistic and alchemic development for a New Age.
The Human Form Divine - Microcosm of the MacroCosm
Revealing how the MacroCosmos of the Sun, the Moon and various features of the Earth is reflected in the microcosm of the human body.
The Maekuirian Library
Written books online by author Maekuira primarily dealing with all subjects in and relating to metaphysics and occultism.
The Raven's Stone
Devoted to esoteric philosophical ideas. Presents a simplified view of common themes.
Tim Boucher: Occult Investigator
Author and artist living in New York City. Site features daily updated journal, investigations, research and articles, and art work.
Various Writings
Includes various topics, on such topics as spirituality, magic, Qabala and Psychosynthesis.
Villa of the Mysteries
Occult scholar Tim Maroney presents some of his essays, personal information, and other projects bearing on occult spirituality.
Dedicated to the late Mark Hedsel and David Ovason's wonderful book The Zelator. Other Hermetic and Esoteric subjects include Michael Topper, Leedskalnin and The Society of Psychical Research.