et Custosi Tutelae, Magi Group School of Western Mysteries, Metaphysical and Occult Church College, Order of The Astral Star, The Arimathea Institute and Theological Seminary, The B'nai-Amen Temple Order, The Esoteric Connection, The Moorish Orthodox Church Diocese of New Jersey
B.O.T.A. School of Holy Qabalah and Sacred Tarot, BOTA in Europe, Center For Esoteric Studies,, Fraternity of the Hidden Light, House Kheperu, Philosophical Research Society, Sanctuary of Enlightened Life, Sorcerer's Guild, The Order of the Temple of Astarte
Aurum Solis, Commandery of the Green Lion, Commandery of the Winged Serpent, Official Website of the Aurum Solis, Ogdoadic, Ogdoadic Tradition, Ogdoadic Tradition, The Ogdoadic Notes, The Ogdoadic Ring
Temple of Psychick Youth
Artists in Exile, Instagon, T.O.P.Y, Temple ov Psychick Youth - [], Temple Ov Psychick Youth : NA JOY, The Temple of Psychick Youth, Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth, Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth Digital Access Point
Companions of the Glyph
Working magickal order formed from members of various other groups.
Company of Avalon
Explores the western mystery tradition in the style of Dion Fortune, Bligh Bond and other Avalonians. Correspondance courses offered in magick and the kaballah.
Fahamme Temples of Isis-El-Amun
Dedicated to self-realization and illumination through the teachings of civil and divine understanding.
Gate of the Black Sun
General introduction to the occult, including magical theory, self-illumination, cosmology, and paradigmatics.
Grand Lodge Communitas Saturni
Hermetic and occult Saturn community founded on the works of Gregor A. Gregorius.
Illumined Order of the Dynamic Elements
Combines Freemasonry, Illuminism, and Luciferianism into a single system of enlightenment and study.
The London Lodge of the Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society. It is a practical magick group which meets regularly for rituals in London.
National Occult Research Association
A nonprofit organization dedicated to furthering research and scholastic endeavors in occult science. Features a forum, wide range of articles and links.
New Harran Sanctuary
Temple of the Et Custosi Tutelae, an international magical order based in Sydney (AU). Exploring Technical Mysticism, combined with teachings of the Stella Matutina (Golden Dawn) Whare Ra Lodge (NZ, operational until 1979). Includes information about the Order, their correspondance course and their mission.
A group of mages based in northern New Jersey who have been active as a group for the past 10 years. They practice a non-ritual form of magic based on the original concepts and research of Arthur, the founder of Omnimancy and this group.
Order of the Celestial Dragon
Spiritual order blending the esoteric and pagan paths to form their own unique mysticism.
Ozarks Highland Order of Penumbra
The Ancient Wisdom as revealed to the Penumbran Magi. Creation; the relation of God to humankind, and the ways in which humans participate in the continuing creative process - which some have called magic.
Ravencroft School of Wizardry
Online courses in many different areas of the occult, including herbology, divination, enchantment, mysticism, and the defensive arts.
Religio Perennis
Religioperennis is dedicated to the Perennialist school of Rene Guenon and F. Schuon. It includes a database on the traditionalist/perennialist school, and an online library on the major spiritual traditions.
Societas Magica
Created to further communication and exchange among scholars interested in the study of magic during the middle ages as well as in antiquity and the early modern period. Its range of concerns includes the sociology of magic, magical practices and theories of magic, as well as magical objects, artifacts and texts.
Temple of the Seekers
Group for the study and practice of Ceremonial Magick located in Boston, MA.
The Black Order of Azazel
Dedicated to cultivating the Tradition of Shadowism, and thus bring Magick to the masses.
The Gnostic Pagan Tradition
A cultural fusion based on traditional Gnosticism, Thelema, transphysics, historical materialism and Jungian psychology.
The Ieros Society
Explores the mysteries of Greek magick, mythology, philosophy and religion to provide a wider perspective on Divinity. Includes forums, e-books and resources for members.
The New Alexandrian Library Project
An esoteric library building project, located in Delaware.
The Order of Maat
A secret society for writers and webmasters dedicated to mystical themes. Membership available only by invitation.
The Pharos
A modern-day esoteric school, with international membership. Their mandate and work is the training of mages and teachers to serve the Divine in the spiritual evolution of humanity.
The Society of The Inner Light
Western mystery school founded by Dion Fortune.
The Society of the Universal Man
Exploring the theory that Man himself is God. Book and membership information.
The Union of Radical Magi
An autonomous, autocephalous confederation of ritual practitioners of magick and the esoteric sciences embracing both the right-hand and left-hand, as well as chaotic paths, whose aim it is to employ their art for the betterment of society.
U.R. et O.O.
The Order is dedicated to Utopianism, Traditionalism, and the Royal Path. Includes material from the Utopian Doctrine with prime focus on Scientific Illuminism.