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Astrological Geomancy
Copyright 1998 Anthony Louis. An earlier version of this article originally appeared in the 1992 Llewellyn Sun Sign Book and is reproduced here with permission.
Astronomy and Geomancy in Kyoto
Ancient Astronomy and Geomancy in Kyoto, Japan. By Steve Renshaw and Saori Ihara
Book of Future
Online casting with predictions based on pre-set questions.
Dodechedron Project
Medieval and western geomancy with on-line simulation using oracles from the astronomical geomancy ascribed to Gerard de Cremone.
Earth Mysteries: Geomancy
Geomancy refers to an ancient form of divination in which, simply put, handfuls of soil or other materials were scattered on the ground.
A system of divination that employs the scattering of pebbles, grains of sand, or seeds on the earth and then the interpretation of their shape and position.
Jenni Bartle-Smith - certified geomancy practitioner providing property assessments and strategies for home and business for improved health, financial, career and emotional circumstances.
Geomancy is ...
Geomancy is about using our skills to bring heaven-luck, man-luck and earth-luck to appropriate balance.
Master Ang
Professional Geomancy Services.
Mid Atlantic Geomancy
Geomancy is the art of placement of both secular and spiritual structures. Geomancy is spiritual ecology. Site has a forum, ezine and mailing list.